Veolia Rye House Energy Recovery Facility Ecological Considerations
Image copyright Roger Smith
CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Ecology Off Site Noise levels not likely to adversely affect birds at Rye Meads Lighting will be managed to avoid off-site effects Air quality; maximum 2% increased nitrogen deposition on sensitive habitats at Rye Meads. Not significant compared to existing sources of nitrogen input (e.g. Waste water Treatment Works). Air quality effects on Local Wildlife Site not considered significant. 3
Ecology on site – surveys undertaken/ scoped Great crested newts Breeding birds Badger Water vole and otter Invertebrates Reptiles Bats (roosting and activity)
Outcomes Great crested newt present Common breeding birds in trees and scrub No badgers, water vole, otter, roosting bats Low bat activity No reptiles in 2016 Invertebrates of note on railway sidings
Mitigation and enhancement CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Mitigation and enhancement NEWTS Capture and exclude newts in ponds on site Mitigation and enhancement measures agreed with Natural England OTHER ECOLOGY ON SITE Habitat management for invertebrates 6
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