December 2012 Updates: Alma’s News.


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Presentation transcript:

December 2012 Updates: Alma’s News

Alma was busy following Mum around (left) and Hahgoot (right – she can’t wait to start homework too!)

She enjoyed rubbing (left) As I was busy organizing stuff for the trip and wrapping up the year, Alma had to keep herself amused. She enjoyed rubbing (left) and making fake nails from puffy stickers (right)

Alma is very interested in letters so the fridge magnets were popular this month. Currently she can’t tell the difference between Hebrew and English letters so she just plays with any shape. She has also tried “writing” (ordering the letters and following them with her finger, and announcing what the word “says”).

We brought Hahgoot’s bean bag back from school and Alma enjoyed playing with it.

Left: Alma made a Christmas tree decoration at day care Right: Alma started to fit into Hahgoot’s old giraffe slippers.

In our next presentation: I fly with the girls to Israel via Korea!