Working with your database Lesson 9 Working with your database
What are Code Builders? Working with databases are a breeze with four code builders to work with your data
How Code Builders Work Manipulating your database is basically the job of these four Code Builders Create a new ASP.NET file and call it Custom Click on code Click on Custom Controls in the Toolbox
SELECT Data Method SELECT-creates a function that uses a SQL SELECT statement to access a database table and returns the data Drag the SELECT Data Method on your work area Click the down arrow aside of Database: Select the Movie Database and click OK
Construct a SELECT query Click the box where the * is Click Next This is what you have on your screen
Click on Test Query to view your database
Creating a method Type AllBond Click Finish
Back to Design Click on Design Tab Drag a DataGrid to the workspace
DataGrid Properties Scroll down to the DataSource Properties for DataGrid1 Type AllBond() which was the method that we just created
Page Properties Click the down arrow to the right of the DataGrid1 title and select Page
Page Properties This is the last step to bind your database to DataGrid1 Click on the lightning bolt which is Event
Load Double Click over the Load Property
Code to bind Type DataGrid1.DataBind() Press F5 to view Congratulations! Remember you could have only selected the fields that you wanted to show
Here’s your database
Changing your view Click on the Design Tab on your workspace Click on your DataGrid1 Scroll down and Select Classic1 and click OK Press F5 to view
Custom Design your DataGrid Click on DataGrid Now click Property Builder located to the right of AutoFormat Click on Format, DataGrid
More Changes Change Forecolor to Navy Change Back Color to Silver Change Font Name to Aerial Black Change Font size to Medium and click Bold Click ok Press F5 to view