Fig. 2. Pulmonary vein method and schematic diagram Fig. 2. Pulmonary vein method and schematic diagram. Angiographic film showed the approximation of the RA disc by pushing the cable while the LA disc was in the orifice of the right upper PV (A). Schematic diagram of the PV method (B). Modified balloon-assisted method and schematic diagram. Angiographic film showed both wings of the device were deployed before implantation by supporting the peripheral balloon (C). Schematic diagram of BA method (D). RA: right atrium, LA disc of the device was prevented from prolapsed into the RA by balloon (arrow head). LA: left atrium, PV: pulmonary vein, BA: balloon assisted. Fig. 2. Pulmonary vein method and schematic diagram. Angiographic film showed the approximation of the RA disc by pushing the cable while the LA disc was in the orifice of the right upper PV (A). Schematic diagram of the PV method (B). Modified balloon-assisted method and schematic diagram. Angiographic film showed both wings of the device were deployed . . . Korean Circ J. 2015 May;45(3):216-224.