Making of the modern world: introduction to year 2/revision Professor Christoph Mick & Dr Sarah Richardson
overview Practicalities What does a MMW exam look like? Questions on content in revision seminars Most important advice: Don't panic!
practicalities Exam on 24 May at 2pm, Desso Sports Hall Arrive at least 10 minutes before 2pm, you will be let in before 2pm. Check the seating plan outside the room. Find your seat (number), wait for instructions, fill in paper slip, DO NOT FORGET YOUR UNIVERSITY ID. Water bottles allowed, NO MOBILE PHONES, NO COMPUTERS, NO BAGS After announcements you are asked to look at the exam paper. In first few minutes I will be there in case there are problems with the questions
exam Examples of past papers Look at previous exam papers, 2017 exam not fundamentally different Questions balanced across the year, some questions draw on knowledge from two or all three terms Preparation: Look through all your lecture and seminar notes, to get an overview, then focus on at least 4 weeks
Answering the exam question Read the questions carefully, choose the question which you are most comfortable with. You are not allowed to choose a question on which you have written an assessed short essay or made an assessed presentation (in any module, not only in MMW). Ask yourself: will my answer be partly identical with what I have written in a short essay or said during a presentation. If the answer is yes, take another question. Make a plan: structure: Introduction – main part (argument) – conclusion. Do not give facts for their own sake, link them to the question. Quotes are not necessary
Answering the exam question Write comparatively (temporal, geographical, topical) If you have problems, take a deep breath, keep calm and carry on How much? No firm rule. Some write two or three pages, others 6 or 7. It is the quality that matters Important: line of argumentation, do you really answer the question? Knowledge and level of reflection. We do not need to agree with you. Try to present different interpretations, discuss also views, which you do not agree with, come up with your own conclusion or explain why you find one interpretation more convincing than others. Time pressure: make sure that you write a sort of conclusion, you will be warned 10 or 15 minutes before the hour is up.
marking First Class (70+) Persuasive and direct answer to the question, establishing the wider significance of the issues concerned. Comprehensive coverage of the relevant material; accuracy in the details. A direct and coherent argument, well supported by relevant evidence. Critical analysis of relevant concepts, theoretical or historiographical perspectives or methodological issues. Fluent and engaging writing style; persuasive presentation and structuring of arguments. Work which, in addition, displays evidence of creativity, originality, sophistication and freshness of arguments will be awarded marks of 75+.
finally At the end of the exam the paper will be collected. LEAVE THE ROOM IN SILENCE First Year Arts Faculty Exam Board is on WEDNESDAY 28th JUNE Marks and Feedback will be released electronically two or three days after this date. Students PROCEED to Year 2 if they pass all core modules with an average of over 40% Anyone who does not proceed will be contacted by the University and Department
Don’t panic!!!! Any questions contact: Seminar tutors for specific help with revision Personal tutor for academic, medical or personal problems Further help? Dr Sarah Richardson ( Director of the First Year Dr Colin Storer ( First Year Senior Tutor