Welcome to 9th Period FLEX!
What is FLEX period? Provides students who need additional help during the school day with time for teacher support Provides students with time to complete homework or study Provides students with time to make-up missed class work
How does FLEX period work? Regularly scheduled class period during the day Appointments must be made with teachers and staff before FLEX begins to obtain a pass
What is expected of the students during FLEX? This is a CLASS! Safety is our top priority! Come in orderly with all supplies Seats will be assigned Stay in the classroom and follow directions A reasonable working-volume is expected throughout the period Options: homework, project work, or independent reading
What FLEX is NOT… It is NOT a time to socialize. It is NOT a free period. It is NOT recess. IT IS… An opportunity to work independently An opportunity to seek extra help, study and get a head start on your homework An opportunity to catch-up on reading
Let’s set-up your TRAVEL BINDER!!
What is a TRAVEL BINDER? Travel Binder Binder which travels with you AKA Trapper Keeper Travel Binder Like a filing cabinet Unified approach for 6th graders Organizational system
What are the steps to setting up my TRAVEL BINDER? Get your Assignment Pad (AKA Agenda, Planner) Come back to FLEX ASAP! Get all of your folders Get your pencil case Go to your locker Get your TRAVEL BINDER
Label in BLACK SHARPIE all supplies in the Upper Right-Hand Corner: (Your name) 6th Grade (Period/class) FOLDERS Orange – Homework Folder Purple/Maroon- ELA Red – Math Blue- Social Studies Yellow – Foreign Language White – Home Skills Extra Folder – QUAD
Pencil case Assignment Pad Orange Folder What is the order of what goes in my Travel Binder? Folders, in order of your schedule by periods Pencil case Assignment Pad Orange Folder