Reducing Cost and Risk During an Investigation John Massengale, AccessData Doug Cordero, Druva
Corporate Investigation Trends Companies are conducting digital investigations on at least a weekly basis for a variety of purposes... 52% Ensuring compliance (keeping information systems, applications, devices, processes and procedures in compliance with industry-specific, privacy and other business regulatory mandates) 52% Data security (keeping customer, financial, intellectual property, personally identifiable information and legal information safe from breach) 43% Responding to incidents (shortening the gap between the time of compromise and the time to discovery of cyber breaches or internal incidents) 32% Managing internal investigations (investigating complaints about discrimination, harassment or misuse of corporate computers, corporate intellectual property theft, employee embezzlement and financial crimes, etc.) 27% Managing e-discovery (preparing for litigation discussions) Source: 2016 IDG Market Research Study
Corporate Investigation Trends
Corporate Investigation Trends Source: 2016 IDG Market Research Study
Current Digital Landscape Average laptop hard drive = 500 GBs to 1 TB Average desktop hard drive = 1 TB + A single user receives an average of 150 emails a day, 3,600 a month and over 43,000 a year. Smartphones can hold 64 to 500 GBs of data. The average adult sends and/or receives 85 text messages a day, 2,550 a month and over 30,000 per year. A single thumb drive, smaller than the tip of a finger, can hold 256 GBs. The average person has 5.5 social media accounts that vary between 30 to 100s of messages daily, depending on platform.
Corporate Investigation Trends
User Scenario: Insider Threat Investigation Negligent employee uploads customer PII to Box. Customer information is compromised and it’s been traced back to your company. Customers are suing for damages. CEO wants answers: how did this happen who is responsible, is there any remaining threat? The challenge: Identifying the perpetrator. Investigating discreetly to not alert employees. Containing the threat and remediating identified risks. Keeping all teams involved.
User Scenario: Insider Threat Investigation Solution: Gain visibility across endpoints: leverage tools that deploy agents to each endpoint and seamlessly connect to data repositories and cloud platforms. Covert investigation: look for software that runs “behind the scenes” to avoid alerting employees or disrupting business operations. Solutions should also pause when offline and resume when employees log back in to the network, picking up where they left off. Remediation: delete offending files or processes. Collaboration: integrated tools that can easily be used by all departments involved without moving data between platforms and teams. Benefits: Improved data visibility Cut down on risk of future threats Speed investigations Improved collaboration
Reduce risk of data loss/spoliation Single platform to proactively collect data meets legal forensic requirements Automated legal holds, data preservation and chain of custody tracking and reporting Search and cull data to reduce downstream e-discovery costs High-speed processing and review
User Scenario: E-Discovery Investigation Customers whose data was compromised suing for damages. Legal team needs access to data used in the internal investigation/launching e-discovery investigation. The challenge: Need to move quickly to minimize brand damage if word gets out your company suffered a breach. Need to easily share the data between HR, Legal and IT. Need to minimize cost.
User Scenario: E-Discovery Investigation Solution: Leverage an integrated solution: data never has to be processed and reprocessed, or moved between platforms. Forensically sound: preserve ESI in a forensically sound manner to ensure data is not lost or corrupted, which could jeopardize your case. Collect from the cloud: data connectors enable seamless transfer of data from platforms otherwise challenging to collect from in an investigation. Collaboration: ensure all teams are collaborating and up to speed in an efficient way. Benefits: Reduced cost Reduced risk Improved collaboration Repeatable, defensible process
Complicated, Manual and Expensive Streamlined E-Discovery Workflow Complicated, Manual and Expensive
What’s the Solution? Leverage an e-discovery solution in combination with compliance/archiving solutions to speed up the process, thus cutting e-discovery costs.
Benefits of a Streamlined Approach Significantly lower costs Eliminate manual processes Save time Reduce ROT (Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial) data with pre- ingestion culling
Summary With the joint solution from Druva and AccessData to manage investigations, you benefit from: Improved efficiency and collaboration Accelerated digital investigations Reduced cost Minimize spoliation risk and ensure your data remains protected
Thank you! Questions? For a demo of how Druva and AccessData can be used together to improve overall investigation efficiency, stop by our booth. John Massengale, AccessData Doug Cordero, Druva