EuroVO-DCA Support to Data Centres from non-partner countries Enrique Solano INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
Outline The Virtual Observatory The Workshop IVOA Euro-VO Euro-VO DCA WorkPackage 6 Examples of projects supported by WP6 The Workshop Purpose and objectives Organization After the Workshop E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
The Virtual Observatory A solution for the efficient scientific exploitation of the large, heterogeneous astronomical datasets distributed worldwide. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
IVOA Created in June 2002 with the mission to facilitate the international coordination and collaboration among projects. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
The VO in Europe Phase-A project. 2002-2004 Funded by FPV Three communities explicitly taken into account by Euro-VO Users: the whole astronomical community VO developers (standards, protocols, portals, registry, tools, …) (Design Study VO-TECH, national and European Agencies VO projects,…) Data Centres, who populate the system with data and services E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
The EuroVO-DCA Sixth Framework Programme Duration: 1 Sep. 2006 – 31 Dec 2008 (to be followed by EuroVO- AIDA. Starting Date: 1 Feb 2008. Duration: 30 months) EC contribution: 1.540 M€ E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
Project targets: data centres Françoise Genova, Coordinator
Work Packages WP1 – Management (CNRS) WP2 – Definition of European DCA strategy (CNRS) WP2-2 – Scientific aspects (CNRS) WP3 – Support to take-up and implementation of the VO framework (ESA/ESO) WP3-2 – Feedback from implementation (LU) WP4 – Theory in VO (MPG) WP5 – Coordination with computational Grid projects (INAF) WP6 – Support to data centres from other European countries (INTA) E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
WP6: work methodology Support Technical Visits: To/from the Data Centre. Close-contact after the visit: periodic reports and feedback. Participation in DCA workshops “Astronomical spectroscopy and the VO”, Madrid, March07. “How to publish data in the VO”, Madrid, June07. Regional VO info-workshops Sofia, Bulgaria. 2008, Jan 24-25th. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
Portugal University of Lisbon. (André Moitinho). The project: “Development of a VO service to provide access to a catalog containing UBVRI photometric information of open star clusters”. Also interested in WP5 (“Grids”) Participation in the ESAC Grid Workshop (Nov’07) E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
Bulgaria Czech Republic Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Milcho Tsvetkov) The project: “VO-compliance of WFPDB scanned plates” Czech Republic Ondrejov Observatory (Petr Skoda) The project: “VO-compliance of the spectroscopic archive of the Ondrejov 2-m telescope (the largest telescope in the Czech Rep.) E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
Hungary Konkoly Observatory (Andras Holl) The project: “VO-compliance of the International Bulletin of Variable Stars”. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
The Workshop Advertise VO in DCA non-partner countries. Broader audience from these countries: 9 DCA staff + 3 GAVO 40 participants (32 Bulgaria, 3 Serbia, 3 Romania, 2 Hungary) Day-1: DCA lectures on: The VO: Why is it necessary? IVOA VO standards: access protocols, formats, data models, registries,… VOtools & Vo Science Presentations from participating Data Centres E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
The Workshop (II) Day-1 (second half) and Day 2: Hands-on sessions on how to publish in the VO. Guided by DCA tutors. Work on real data brought by the participants from their Data Centres. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
After the Workshop If you are interested in getting support from DCA for your VO project, this is the way to proceed: Does your Data Centre fit the DCA definition? If so, send (me) an official letter of interest indicating: Clear, focused objectives to be finished by the end of the DCA project (Dec 2008) • Specific needs Added value for the DCA project • Contact point E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
What is also expected from supported Data Centres? VO dissemination University lectures. Conferences for amateur astronomers. Specific materials for teachers and students of secondary school. Creation of a national VO infrastructure. Coordination of the national initiatives. André Moitinho (Portugal) Collaboration with Coimbra University Presentation of the VO service to the Portuguese stellar community Participation in the international VO initiatives Petr Skoda (Czech Rep.) actively participates in the definition of the requirements for a proper handling of ground-based optical spectra in the VO. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator
What kind of support can DCA provide? Only technical support through workshops and technical visits. Infrastructure and/or manpower are not allowed by Brussels. E. Solano. INTA- Spanish VO EuroVO-DCA WP6 coordinator