Danalynn Recer Gulf Region Advocacy Center Interview Protocols: Getting in the Door, Intros and Identification Issues Danalynn Recer Gulf Region Advocacy Center
Goals of mitigation interviews Locating and expanding forms of mitigating evidence Placing the capital offense within the broader context of the client’s life Learn, understand, and appreciate experiences and views of people who are different from us. Create a space where voices of the witnesses can emerge. Build Relationships including mental impairments that reduce a person’s judgment and insight; compromised intellectual functioning; neurologic deficits; exposure to chronic violence in the community during critical developmental periods; physical, sexual, or psychological child abuse at the hands of caretakers; overwhelming life-threatening events such as witnessing the murder or suicide of loved ones; conditions of confinement during periods of incarceration or captivity; and medical diseases with psychiatric consequences such as fetal alcohol syndrome; positive and worthwhile aspects of the defendant’s character such as his potential for rehabilitation or ability to adjust to incarceration
Preparing for an interview Always be prepared for an interview: - Know everything you can about the person and their relationship to the case. Court house searches, in person all courts (civil, criminal, probate, family, federal, etc.) Public records requests - Review old memos and any associated records or materials immediately before the interview. What do you want to cover? Be prepared to explain the status of the case and what you expect to happen in the future.
Investigation Protocols - Basic Ground Rules No group interviews No phone interviews No calling ahead of time No tape-recording unless decided by the team for a specific reason - Identifying yourself No lying Low profile ID forms Appearances / Professionalism Be dressed neatly and understated. Leave behind the professional gear and come with a non-legal looking notepad, your releases and business cards.
Getting in the door Appear unannounced for the interview Use the magic phrase, “My name is Sally and I am here to visit with you about your friend/brother/neighbor Joe.” Establishes your presence – not asking for permission you are there Visits are less threatening than interviews Explain relationship to client & confidentiality