Problem Solver Arghya Ray Vinayak Mishra Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research
Agenda Introduction Objective Existing System Proposed System Modules of Proposed System Advantages Conclusion
Introduction On the day of our 67th Independence, do we really feel we are independent? India is rocked by corruption in every sector of society, from the village level where poor people don’t get what was promised by the government, to the corporate level, where false promises by companies destroy the lives of so many people. But many people are not able to post their grievances because they don’t have the money to fight with the rich, and often because of threats they fear to post their grievances. Well, now people don’t need to worry. They can post their grievances and problems through our application and they need not worry about their security. Their problems will be solved in the least amount of time.
Objective To provide a platform for solving grievances/ problems/ complaints of people. To get details of concerned departments and complaint number and track complaint status. To chat with users to find solution to problems. To vote and get statistics to know the mood of the nation.
Problems in existing system Government/Firms promises to give facilities/allowances to their consumers/common people but unfortunately, these benefits reaches to only handful of those people. Many people do not know how to post their grievances and it becomes harder if people have visual or some other kind of impairment. Moreover, many people especially those belonging to rural areas hardly have access to internet. With the increasing amount of corruption and chit fund cases rocking our country, people need to find a suitable channel to direct their problems so that the problems get solved properly. With the amount of rape cases rising in our country, time has come that suitable care be taken for emergency options.
Proposed System Developing an application which will have following features: It will integrate all the various Government/Firms in different categories and will enable the user to search the particular firm. It will provide voice recording to post grievances for visually challenged people and people without an internet service. It will automatically direct the grievances to the concerned Government/Firms by keeping in mind the safety and security of the complainer. It will automatically direct the grievances to the higher authorities if it is not resolved in the given frame of time. It will also enable users to file RTI’s. It will also enable users to get the contacts of the Government/Firms. It will also provide the users with facilities like track etc if needed. It will also provide listing of all promises that are made by Government / Firms which can be voted by people and combined with the statics of social media text; it will be able to project the main problems and the mood of the nation.
Modules of Proposed System Post Grievances/ problems/ complaints Get details of concerned departments and complaint number. Track complaint status. Chat with users to find solution to problems. Vote and get statistics to know the mood of the nation. Special functionalities during emergency cases. Special functionalities for visually impaired and illiterate people.
Module1: Post Grievances/ problems/ complaints This module enables the user to post their problems/ grievances/complaints in recorded/query form which inturn gets transferred to the concerned authorities and a given time period for solving the problem gets allotted and a complaint number gets filed.
Module2: Get details of concerned departments and complaint number. The users can get the details of the concerned authorities who would solve the user’s problem. The user also gets the complaint number using which he can know the time within which his problem will be solved.
Module3: Track complaint status Users will be able to know the status of the complaint they had launched based on their complaint number. If their problem doesn’t get solved within the given time period, the problem will automatically forwarded to the higher authority.
Module4: Chat forum Using this, the users can chat with people facing the same problem and try to find solutions to their problems. They can even decide to take steps. If necessary. The security of the user’s identity will be maintained at all levels.
Module5: Mood of Nation Users will be able to know the mood of the nation by voting for the promises made by the government and getting the statistics of what the people in the nation feel about the promises. This statistics will be combined with the social media data to get the final output.
Module6: Special Functionalities Special functionalities will be provided to solve problems for people in emergency cases like, rape, etc. The special functionalities will also help visually impaired and illiterate people to file their complaints. The application will also be available in certain common local languages to make it more user friendly.
Advantages Help people lodge their complaints/problems and get suitable solutions in the least time period. Help people know about the promises made by government and the nation’s mood. Help both the illiterate and visually impaired people to post their grievances/complaints. Help people track their complaints status. Help people chat among themselves and know solutions to their problems.
Conclusion SAP HANA having one of the fastest and advanced in- memory will give an edge to our application. The use of the row store facilities in SAP HANA will help to sustain the high input rate of the complaints/grievances/problems and the column store facilities will be able to search the appropriate data or track complaints within seconds. Thus, the user will be able to find solutions within seconds. Real time analysis will enable to get the statistics and hence know the mood of the nation.
Thank you!!