Future Population Issues 3-3 Future Population Issues
Canada’s Population Change Between 2006 and 2011 Canada’s population grew by 5.9%. Only 1/3 of this was from Natural Increase. The rest……
Why do people migrate? Why do they want to come to Canada?
Push Factors - Things that encourage a person to leave their home country. Pull Factors - Things that attract a person to settle in another country.
How do we decide who is allowed into our Country?
For economic immigrants Canada has a point system that considers: Education (25) Language proficiency (24) Work Experience (21) Age (10) Pre-arranged employment in Canada (10) Adaptability (10) Need 67 of 100 total points to enter. In 2010 most immigrants came from Asia: Philippines 13% India 10.8% China 10.8%
Most immigrants settle in urban centers. Why? Connection to cultural community Employment opportunities Of the 1.6 million immigrants between 2001-2006, ¾ settled in our 3 largest cities.
Not every immigrant has a good experience however? Why?
Moving Around: Migration Within Canada If you could move to any province within Canada, which one would it be? What are your personal pull factors for this province? Out-migration - when people leave a province or territory. In-migration - when people come to live permanently in a province/territory
Alberta pull Factors: Oil Sands development and economic opportunity No provincial sales tax No provincial deficit (province is economically independent) Ontario push factor: Decline in manufacturing jobs Newfoundland Push and Pull Factors Push: decline in traditional fishery and lumber industries Pull: increase in offshore oil and refining industry (Avalon Peninsula) 2006-2011: Newfoundland’s population increased! 1.8% increase compared to 1.5% decrease for previous five years.
Analyzing Population Trends Canada’s population is getting older. Is this a problem? Why?
Discussion : Why is the population aging? Why is the government concerned about an aging population? What are some possible solutions to the concerns?
Alberta Labour Shortage Ontario Labour Shortage
Canada’s Aging Population Causes Consequences Possible Responses Low Birth Rate Higher Health Care Costs Raise Income Tax Higher Life Expectancy Higher Pension Costs Charge for Health Care More Senior Homes Needed Pay Lower Pensions Less Workers Paying Taxes Reduce # of People Collecting Pensions Skilled Labour Shortage Have Seniors Work Longer Low Economic Growth Incentives for Skilled Trades Smaller Business Market Increase Immigration Less Schools/Youth Recreation Needed Incentives to Have Children
Questions to Consider : 1. What can the Canadian government do to encourage people to have more children? 2. What can the Canadian government do to address the future labour shortage? 3. What can the Canadian government do to address future potential problems with the pension program? Activity – Questions (handout)