E-SURFMAR Programme Status & TT-AWS Report 20th PB-Obs meeting 5-6th October 2009, Offenbach Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Contents 1. Network status 2. Ongoing activities and plans 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Contents 1. Network status 2. Ongoing activities and plans 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Programme Drifting Buoys August 2009 Iridium SVP-B Argos SVP-B SVP-BW (moored buoys) August 2009 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Drifting Buoys Data Timeliness Number of operating buoys E-SURFMAR EGOS Long term target : 90% E-SURFMAR Short term target : 70% EGOS Percentage of reports sent onto the GTS less than 50 minutes after the observation 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Arctic & North Drifting Buoys August 2009 Supplementary Eumetnet buoys Non-Eumetnet buoys August 2009 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Data Availability Average number of daily reports from the EUCOS area VOS Observations Data Availability Average number of daily reports from the EUCOS area E-SURFMAR Target : 1000 obs/day E-SURFMAR Target : 250 obs/day Conventional VOS Automated VOS (AWS) 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Funded AWS System BaTos BaRos AWS Type « integrated » « autonomous » Parameters SLP, Ta, U, dd, ff and SST SLP only Visual obs. Yes No Transmission Inmarsat-C DR Iridium SBD Data type Binary Mess. length 32 bytes 15 bytes In operation 5 9 Planned +7 (2009-2011) +14 (2009-2010) Obs. period Hourly 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Moored Buoys EUCOS moored buoys The four EUCOS moored buoys were nominally in operation over the past two months. K5 still reports directional wave spectra observations through Iridium for valuation (no spectra reported onto the GTS). A reference waverider would be desirable for calibration (DB-TAG request). The use of ~50 k€ from E-SURFMAR savings was proposed. The project was removed from the revised EUCOS budget. 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Performances (September 2009) Component Criteria Target Performance Drifting buoys Availability 88% 97% Timeliness HH+50 90% 69% Timeliness HH+100 95% 89% RMS (SLP) 1.0 hPa 0.68 hPa 3-K pattern moored buoys 100% 0.75 hPa Conventional VOS 250 328 85% 96% 1.37 hPa Shipborne AWS 1000 961 91% 0.76 hPa E-SURFMAR AWS installed 45 14 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Contents 1. Network status 2. Ongoing activities and plans 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Other activities and plans Surface marine OSE conducted by ECMWF (period: 7 weeks over last winter). Results expected in next december/january. Works on an AIS weather report dataformat in the frame of the e-navigation (collaboration with a correspondence group of IMO on AIS binary messages). These reports could become the equivalent of AMDAR for ships. Search for voluntary ships to be equipped with BaRos stations in the Medit. Sea is becomming a priority for E-SURFMAR. Possible co-operation with oceanographers in the frame of HyMeX (first IOP in 2001-2012) and MOON (Medit. Operational Oceanography Network). Preparation of a workshop for PMOs in Antwerp (2-4 december 2009). Programme : use of the Pub 47 metadata database and QC tools, S-AWS installations (including a real exercice on a ship). 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Questions ? 20th PB-OBS Meeting, 5-6 Sept. 2009 Pierre Blouch, E-SURFMAR Programme Manager www.free-stockphotos.com