Social Laws and Panchayat Raj Institution Well-come Presentation By: Mr.B. M. Tayade (Rtd) Dy. Director, Social Welfare 9422308739/8554999678
Constitution of India Preamble We, the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India in to ( Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic ) and to secure to all its citizens : Justice, Social, Economic and Political, Liberty of thought, expression, belief faith and worship, Equality of Status and opportunity ; and to promote among them all fraternity assuming the dignity of the individual unity and the in dignity of the nation in our constitution assemble this twenty sixth day of November,1949 do here by adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution
Article.46 Art.46 “ The state shall take care of education and Economic development of scheduled caste and scheduled Tribes in particular and other weaker sections of the society in general.”
Articles 14 -Equality Before Law 15(1) (2)- No discrimination on caste ground. 17 - Abolition of Untouchability. 15 (4) (5) -Reservation of post. 16 (4) (4A) 335-Reservation in Education Institute. 330- Reservation of seats for S. C. in Loksabha 332- Reservation in state Assembly 243(D)- Reservation in Local Self 340 (T)- Government
Social Lows (0n Caste Base) Untouchability. Offences Act -1955 Renamed as Protection of Civil Rights Act. 1976 The scheduled caste and scheduled Tribes ( Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 Criminal Tribes Act 1878 Criminal Tribes Act 1924 Repeal of C. T. Act 1952 Habitual offenders Act -1955
Social Laws (For Women's) Abolition of sati system. Hindu Marriage Act. Abolition of Dowry Protection of women from domestic violence Act.2005 The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956 The indecent Representation of women (prohibition) Act. 1986
Social Laws (On Disabilities ) The Mental Health Act – 1987 Rehabilitation Council of Indian Act -1993 Persons with disability (equal opportunity, protection of rights and full participation ) Act- 1995 National Trust Act-1999
Social Laws (On Children) Apprentice Act - 1850 Reformatory School Act-1897 Madras Children Act-1920 Bengal Children Act -1922 Bombay Children Act- 1924 Children Amen dent Act -1978 The Juvenile Justice Act -1986 The Juvenile Justice Act – (Care & Protection of Children ) 2000/and /2010 Protection of Children from sexual offences Act-2012
Other Social Laws Sr. Citizens Act- 2007. Caste Validity Act-2004. Right Education Act-2010. Right to InformationAct-2005 The Maharashtra prevention and eradication of human sacrifice and other un human, evil and aghori practices and black Magic Act -2013 Children Labour Act- 1986