National Weather Service Pacific Region (PR) Activities Tropical Tropopause Layer October 15-19, 2012 Honolulu, Hawaii
What we have/are doing Lightning data in the Pacific Region GPS – Antennas CIRA TPW Data Atmospheric Rivers OSWV (ASCAT & OSCAT) RRS – Upper Air Platform WRF (COSMIC Data input Guam & Samoa) MTSAT-2R, GOES-W & GOES-R PG JAMSTEC / TTL/???
What we have/are doing Lightning data in the Pacific Region ELN (WWLLN) Best east of the dateline Vaisala (GLD360) Best west of the dateline
What we have/are doing GPS – Antennas Surface data platforms Synoptic observations Very remote locations BUOYS (VERY VERY FEW)
GPSMet Sites
GPS-Met Stations in PR STATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE ELEVATION ID WSO Majuro 07° 05' N 171° 23' E 10 feet WSM1 WSO Pohnpei 06° 58' N 158° 13' E 123 feet WSH1 WSO Koror 07° 20' N 134° 29' E 94 feet WSP1 WSO Yap 09° 30' N 138° 05' E 72 feet WSY1 Kwajalein 08° 44' N 167° 44' E 8 feet WSK1 Saipan 15° 07' N 145° 43' E 209 feet SIA1 Kona 19° 44' N -156° 03' W 40 feet KIA1 DCO Lihue 21° 59' N -159° 21' W 95 feet DCL1 WSO Chuuk 07° 27' N 151° 50' E 5 feet WSC1 Pago -14.33067 -170.71409 11 feet NST1 HILO 19.71739 -155.04948 17 feet HILR GUAM 13.58933 144.86836 149 feet
Valuable Operational Data CIRA TPW Data Atmospheric Rivers Looking for the driver
Valuable Operational Data OSWV (ASCAT & OSCAT)
Operational Systems MTSAT-2R GOES-W GOES-R PG
Important data sets Numerous other polar satellites WRF (COSMIC Data input Guam & Samoa) UH support in developing this
What we have/are doing RRS Vaisala RS92 radiosonde 1 Second data capture
Collaborative work Concluding remarks: JAMSTEC / TTL/??? Keep up the great work! VERY Important to include operational folks along the way!
Questions Bill Ward National Weather Service Pacific Region Headquarters