”Traian Vuia” High School Craiova Evora - PORTUGAL ”ÉCOLE - PATRIMOINE - ESPRIT INITIATIVE TOURISTIQUE - EUROPE” nr. 11-PM-243-DJ-IT ”Traian Vuia” High School Craiova This project was financed with the support of The European Commission. This publication (communication ) reflects only the author’s point of view and the Committee is not responsible for any abuse of the information enclosed. .
Evora Evora is a city in Portogal, the residence of Alenteja county. The population of the city is almost of 41159 citizens.
Evora Evora is a site which is part of the UNESCO world heritage because of the old city centre, still surrounded by mediaval walls and the big number of monumets which date since various historical periods. Also, the city is a member of one of the oldest networks of European cities. Evora is called the museum-city. It keeps many medieval palaces from the Renaissance period too which turn it into a museum of Portughese arhitecture.
Evora The city is located 140 km away from the capital, Lisbon and 80 km away from Badajoz at the Spanish border. Evora is the biggest city in Alentejo county.
The climate Evora benefits of a mediteranean climate. The average temperature of the coldest month( January) is 6 degrees and of the hottest month (August) is 27 degrees.
Means of transport Visitors have multiple options to get to Evora by air, road or rail. The international airport in Lisbon is located at about 100 km away from Evora. Busses for Evora run(leave) from the bus terminal in Lisbon. Yet you must know that the bus terminal is located outside the center of Lisbon.
There are available train routes and bus routes from all the airports in Portogal to get to Evora.The transport by car is a good solution to visit the surroundings.
Accomodation Hotel Santa Clara *** -is located in Evora, site of the world heritage. Diana's Roman temple is 600m away.
Hotel Albergaria Vitoria Hotel Albergaria Vitoria *** - is located in Evora 300 m away from the medieval wall of the city and 5 minutes away from the center and the main monuments.
Hotel Evora Hotel Evora **** -is surrounded by gardens at it has 2 outdoor pools. Hotel Evora is located 5 minutes away from the city center and 10 minutes away by car from the bus terminal (Coach station) of Evora which allows you to get to Lisbon in 2 hours.
Hotel Monte do Carmo **** - is just within 5 minutes' walk of the town's main shopping district.
Dishes The Portughese cuisine is rich and various. It's considered one of the richest cuisines in the world because of the variety of products and of the influences( Roman, Moorish, African, Indian). It is also a Mediterranean cuisine with popular,simple dishes. The classical dishes that we find everywhere in Portugal are: the starters that look very much like the Spanish tapas with olives, pepper, sausage and the soup. .
The Soups in Alentejo county Acorda de coentros- is a soup with garlic, oil and coriander. Le Gaspacho, cold soup made of vegetables. La sopa de pedra, vegetable soup with smoked breast. La acorda alentejana- made with water, coriander, garlic, olive oil in which we add a slice of broa( corn bread) and a boiled egg to thicken.
Bacalhau The national dish is bacalhau, the dry and salty code prepared in a variety of recipes. The fish is asociated in Portugal with vegetables( tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, onion, pepper, brocolli, cauliflower) and rice. Actually there are 365 ways to cook code in Portugal. Bacalhau de cebolada(code with onion) is a specific dish for Alenteja county.
Carne de porco à alentejana and migas Carne de porco à alentejana – is a typical dish for Alentejo county. It's made of pork, shells and it's served with fries, it's a tasty dish. Pork is the most widely consumed meat, just like fish. It's a juicy variety, black pork , grown with acorn in Alnetejo.
Migas Migas- are pieces of roasted bread with garlic and ham which are served with grilled pork.
Other dishes in Alentejo county Rabbit, goat stew, smoked ham, smoked sausage, olives, olive oil are also appreciated in Portugal.
Cheese in Alentejo Alentejo has 3 areas that produce cheese: Nisa, Evora e SErpa. Queijo Nisa- it's a soft, compact cheese, with holes, you can only find it in Northern Alentejo county. Queijo Evora- it's a tough cheese, without holes. Queijo Serpa- it's the best known in Alentejo county. It's a sheep ripened cheese, without holes. The cheese is kept in "rouparias" until it is completely ripened.
Desserts Sericala, served in Alentejo county, it's a tart with cinnamon which is served with fruit compote or with plums baked in the oven . Other desserts served in Portugal: Aletria- it's sort of a tart with eggs and vermicelli baked in milk with sugar, with cinnamon, served traditionally at Christmas and Easter. Pasteis de nata- small , creamy tarts with crumbly dough.
Wines Portugal is known especially for its wine. It's the country of vines in which wine has always been produced , everyone doing it for family use. Vinho verde- it's a white wine produced in the north of the country,very light and fizzy. Porto, a wine which is well asociated with desserts, has a strong flavour. This wine is made by adding brandy to stop the fermentation.It's a process which turns sugar into alcohol.
Wines Bucelas is a white, dry wine. Colares wine(above Sintra), red or white , is light and soft. Bucelas is a white, dry wine. The red, Dao wine ,quite close to that of Bourgogne, is produced on the riverbank of Dao. Muscatul de Setubal, from the south of Lisbon, is a wine for dessert.
Wines Madeira- became famous and leader on the world market. In Alentejo county the best known wines are: Borba, Redondo, Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito.
Restaurante S. Luis 30 Segeiro Street, Evora 7000, Portugal 30 Segeiro Street, Evora 7000, Portugal Tel. +351 266 741 585
Tipica Quarta-Feira garder Str. do Inverno 18, Evora, Portugalia
A Maria 12 , Joao de Deus Alandroal Street Evora, Portugal Tel. 268431143
Botequim da Mouraria 16A, Mouraria Street, Evora, Portugal
THE TOURISTIC AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Marked by its beauty and simplicity and by a strong historical accent(emphasis), Evora is one of the most beautiful jewels of Portugal. This open museum has typical, narrow and paved streets, amazing monuments and a variety of arhhitectural styles.
PALÁCIO DOS DUQUES DE CADAVAL The Palace of the Dukes of Cadaval- located in the historical center of Evora, this palace is a beautiful building with different arhitectural influences. The eleventh duke of Cadaval still lives here, Dona Diana Alvares Pereira de Melo,the wife of prince Charles-Philippe de Orleans, duke of Anjou. Yet, the palace is open to the public and proposes contemporary art exhibitions, of sculpture, painting and armors with pieces that date from the XVIIIth century.
PRAÇA DO GIRALDO Giraldo Square - is located in the city center. You'll see the most dynamic and commercial part of Evora. Street sellers and artists are present in the market square.Under the old Moorish arches of Giraldo Market square you can find cafes and shops. You can see Saint Anthony church which dates from the 16th century and Henriquina fountain, considered a national monument since 1910.
THE CATHEDRAL OF EVORA The cathedral of Evora is the biggest cathedral in Portugal. It's located in the historical center of the city, close to the Roman temple. The cathedral has a massive, sober and symmetric Romanesque -Gothic structure. The big, Renaissance style organ, which is found at the rostrum(tribune) of the cathedral, is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. Moreover, the cathedral has a museum with religious art objects.
SAO FRANCISCO CHURCH Built at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century on a Gothic style church from the 12th century. It was quickly considered an arhitectural reference both in Portugal and Brasil because of its Gothic-Mooorish style.
Bone Chapel At the entrance of Sao Francisco Church is found the famous Bone Chapel, one of the most vizited objectives in town. Located in the vestry of the church , it was built in the 18th century as a religious counter. Its objective was to forward the message of efemerity of life as it says the sentene from the entrance: "We, bones that are here, are waiting for yours."
THE PUBLIC GARDEN OF EVORA Walking through this garden placed near Sao Francisco church, we can discover a part of King Manuel's(16th century) palace,unfortunately very changed .
THE ROMAN TEMPLE The temple in Evora, built in the second century, is the only proof of the Roman forum from the old,ancient city. It's also called Diana's Temple. This cultural place was built in the honour of the Roman king August. Historical site, unique in Portugal, it had the chance of being built in a medieval buildng, and it maintains perfectly, being considered a symbol of the city.
ROMAN BATHS The Roman Baths were built between the second and the third centuries and were discovered in 1987, after the works at the townhall. This area of almost 300m2 is made of Laconicum, a circular room for hot baths and saunas, Praefurnium which served as a central heating system for the other rooms and Natatio, a rectangular exterior pool, which can't be visited.
AGUA DE PRATA The Aqueduct was built between 1531-1537, during the reign of D. Joao the IIIrd to bring fresh water in town. It was a truly triumph of engineers and architects from those days. It's length is 18 km and it was built by the military architect Francisco de Arruda.
THE UNIVERSITY OF EVORA The University of Evora was created in 1551, under the king D. Henrique, as a Jesuit college where missionaries were taught the following subjects: Philosophy, Moral, Theology, Grammar, Rhetoric (Oratory), Humanities. It was the second university in Portugal, after the one in Coimbra.
THE MUSEUM OF EVORA Placed in the former palace of the Bishops , this regional museum exhibits Roman objets found during archeological excavations.
PRACTICAL INFORMATION The Post adress of Evora: PRAÇA DE SERTÓRIO,7000-506 – EVORA, PORTUGAL 1. The phone number of the townhall of Evora 26624101,International: +351 26624101 2. The website of Evora- www.cm-evora.pt 3. The tourism office(73, Praça do Giraldo) 4. Areas with WiFi in Evora- Praça de Sertório, Praça 1s de Maio , Praça do Giraldo .
Coordinating teachers: Prof. Oprea Alina –project coordinator ‘’Ecole - Patrimoine - Esprit Initiative Touristique - Europe ‘’ nr. 11-PM-243-DJ-IT This Power Point was realised by the following students: BUCA LAURA , RÃDUCU ANA, TENDER MIHAI,NITUICA SABIN, IONASCU IRENE, BAZOI NICOLAE, IANCU ADINA, PREOTEASA ANCA Coordinating teachers: Prof. Oprea Alina –project coordinator Prof. Panait Gabriela Prof. Dorovschi Irina DECEMBER 2012