“Biosystems Engineering Programs of studies in Portugal” 2nd ERABEE Workshop, 13-14 October 2008 Dublin, Ireland
Biosystems Engineering Programs of studies in Portugal Biosystems Engineering Programs of studies in Portugal José R. Marques da Silva*, Luís L. Silva, Fátima Baptista & Vasco F. Cruz * University of Évora, Agricultural Engineering Department, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal Phone: +351 266 760823; Fax: +351 266 760911; e-mail: jmsilva@uevora.pt
1. Bio-fuels, bio-materials and quality of products studies and courses in Portugal Have increased in the past few years; The majority of the courses are lectured within Engineering graduations, although there are some from Biotechnology or Energy and Environmental graduations; It is our belief that more study programs in the area of bio-energies are required, essentially for the 2nd and 3rd cycles of studies. The existence of 2nd and 3rd level studies will promote the required research in these areas, essential to the development of the associated technologies”
1. Bio-fuels, bio-materials and quality of products studies and courses in Portugal Bio-materials courses are already integrated in many Engineering of Materials degrees. We believe that the current national offer is sufficient, not requiring a significant additional investment in the creation of new courses in this area Quality control area, there are several degrees in Food Engineering in Portugal that offer courses within this subject. . . Technology associated with food traceability are still outside from many study programs on food quality and control.
1. Bio-fuels, bio-materials and quality of products studies and courses in Portugal Energy supply security, environmental sustainability and competitiveness are central objectives of EU energy policy. These were highlighted in the proposals of the European Council (March 2006) for an Energy Policy for Europe. The continuous developments in the bio-energy technologies require more then ever professionals able to work in these areas. We believe that the bio-energy studies in the following years will grow more rapidly than the bio-materials and quality of products studies, at least in Portugal.
2. Students enrolment At present time, all courses that include in their designation the terms Energy and Bio-energy are very successful in the enrolment of students: 1st cycle, 1st edition: “Renewable Energies Engineering” at the Évora University (all vacancies were filled); 2nd cycle, 2nd edition: “Energy and Bio-Energy” from the New University of Lisbon (all vacancies were filled).
2. Students enrolment Bio-Materials and Food control quality have less demand and consequently less students enrolled. The student demand is nowadays for the “Energy and Bio-energy” courses.
3. Education and research infrastructure Universities that have tradition on Electro technical Engineering, Materials Engineering, usually have a research infrastructure associated with general electricity production, photovoltaic energy, photo thermal energy; Universities that have tradition on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, usually have a research infrastructure more associated with general bio-energy production.
3. Education and research infrastructure Few Universities have all the infrastructures to support courses on Energy and Renewable energies. In Portugal the resources are spread out by Universities and Polytechnic Institutes, Research Institutes (INETI, ADAI, ICAT) and private or public companies (Galp energia, EDP renováveis e Martifer)
3. Education and research infrastructure Education institutions are upgrading there infrastructures and facilities to respond to the educational and research demand in these areas
4. Research groups, projects I - Biofuel systems for transportation in Portugal: An "well-to-wheels"integrated multi-objective assessment (145000 euros) II - Site specific enzyme immobilization: electrodes for biofuel cells development (55000 euros) III - BIOREFINO - Demonstrating the feasibility of wheat straw and sweet sorghum biomass fermentation to ethanol using the biorefinery approach (147000 euros)
4. Research groups, projects Other projects on biomass production related with energetic crops (Shorgum, Colza, Mischantus, Gertrofa); energetic organisms (Micro-Algae) and forest residues; Other projects: i) converting low quality wine on bio-ethanol; ii) converting low quality olive oil on biofuel.
5. Current situation and perspectives It’s our belief that the bio-fuel market will have a very significant increase in Portugal in the coming years, since the goals presented by the European Commission in this area are very demanding; Regarding bio-materials it is difficult to present any estimate because it was difficult to find any available data;
6. Perspectives for the University of Évora 2008/2009 – started the 1st and 2nd cycle on Renewable Energy Engineering (Physics Department) – More related with Photovoltaic, Photothermal, Eolic and Ocean Wave energy. The Rural Engineering department is projecting a 2nd cycle on Biofuels.
6. Perspectives for the University of Évora The Rural Engineering department has proposed to the University a 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles on Biosystems Engineering. At this particular moment the University is discussing this education proposal. The 2nd cycle curriculum will be more centered on management and economics, specially in logistics of Bio-products (associated with the big private food distribution companies)
BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle GC - 37 % ENGC - 49 % SEMC - 14 % GC - 5 % ENGC - 45 % SEMC - 15 % THESIS – 35 % GC - 10 % ENGC - 3 % FC - 3 % TESE – 83 % GC – General Sciences; ENGC – Engineering Sciences SEMC – Social, Economics and Management Sciences;