Weather Maps A map is a diagram representing a place. It shows where things are located. A map’s key explains the symbols used on a map. A direction indicator or compass shows directions (N, S, E, W). A weather map is a special kind of map. T shows weather patterns. The location of clouds, precipitation, wind speed and direction, temperatures and air pressure can all be shown on a weather map. Weather maps can be used to predict future weather.
Weather data can also be recorded in a table or a graph Weather data can also be recorded in a table or a graph. Below is a bar graph showing the average monthly rain fall in Houston, Texas.
Weather Map Symbols Cold Front Barometer measures this Thunderstorm Rain Partly Cloudy Warm Front Sunny Cloudy Snow
What is a FRONT?! Warm Front: A warm front indicates a warmer air mass is moving in the direction toward which the semicircles are pointing. The warm front is drawn at the leading edge of the warm air mass. A warm front can also bring precipitation especially in the region where the warm front is approaching.
Cold Front: A cold front indicates a colder air mass is moving in the direction toward which the triangles are pointing. The cold front is drawn at the leading edge of the cold air mass. When the cold front passes the temperature drops and the rising air along the front can bring precipitation especially in the region where the cold front is approaching.