Brazil Location, Climate and Natural Resources
Location Largest country in Latin America in area and population Urban – 85% Rural – 15% Capital – Brasilia Official language – Portuguese Largest Portuguese- speaking country in the world
Location Brazil’s location on the Atlantic Ocean and closeness to the Panama Canal greatly influence trade with other countries The U.S. is Brazil’s most important trading partner
Climate Much of Brazil has a tropical climate (hot and wet) and supports the Amazon Rain Forest which is a huge tourist attraction
Climate Sandy beaches and the warm climate also bring many tourists to Brazil
Population The majority of people live in cities located in coastal areas 80% of all people live within 200 miles of the ocean
Natural Resources Only 7% of the land is arable but Brazil still leads the world in the production of coffee, oranges, sugarcane, and papayas
Natural Resources Brazil produces 1/3 of the world’s coffee Only the U.S. exports more agricultural products than Brazil
Natural Resources Gold, timber, and tin are important natural resources that Brazil exports
Comparing Cuba and Brazil Write a paragraph describing how Brazil and Cuba are alike and how they are different. You should have four facts on how they are alike You should have four facts on how they are different.