UBL Chinese Localization Subcommittee 10 May 2004 UBL-CNLSC Report UBL Chinese Localization Subcommittee 10 May 2004
Agenda Charter People Challenges Planning & Status
Charter & Deliverables To foster the adoption of UBL in the Greater China region by localizing UBL into Chinese language, marketing UBL in the local regions and proposing extensions to UBL according to the region specific legal and business practices.
Charter & Deliverables Translation of UBL specifications and associated documentation into the Chinese (including the definitions of the data elements) Construction of Chinese-specific lookup tables for UBL element and attribute names Generation of publicity for UBL in the Greater China region Proposal of UBL extensions to accommodate Chinese-specific legal and business practices Building and maintaining a web site to provide information about UBL in the Chinese
People William Chan, China National Registry of Product and Service Codes Patrick Yee, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, Hong Kong Thomas Lee, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, Hong Kong Colleagues from China National Institute of Standardization Liu Bi Song Wei Hong Liu Ying Zhang Jian Fang Chen Huang
Challenges Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese Characters Different systems in 3 regions: China, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei Tax, legal, etc. Up to now, OASIS standards are not recognized as national standards in China
Planning & Status Translation Extension Promotion Start with Simplified Chinese first Translated BIEs in UBL-Reusable-1.0.xls into Simplified Chinese Will convert to Traditional Chinese Extension Will work with tax and legal experts Promotion Delivered a presentation in Web Service China 2004 in Beijing Will set up a web site