Performance Improvement and Customer Service Chapter 23 Performance Improvement and Customer Service
Quality of Care Major challenge Balance between high-quality patient care and controlling costs Patient satisfaction not correlated to amount spent Difficult to measure
Quality Improvement Role of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Decrease costs while maintaining quality Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI)
Question True or False: The U.S. ranks highest in quality of health care.
Answer False U.S. ranks highest in health care costs But not in quality of care
Evaluation for Quality Improvement Organizational structure Health care professionals Patient outcomes Utilization review
Customer Service Essential to success Internal customers External customers
Customer Service Customers evaluate entire experience Avoid slipping into automatic mode Focus on patient Lawsuits most commonly related to whether patient likes health care workers Fewer long-term relationships in health care
Lawsuits May be frivolous Time and money spent Stress Many can be avoided by working to ensure customer satisfaction
Question True or False: Whether a lawsuit is filed or not is frequently based on whether the patient liked the health care professional.
Answer True Lawsuits brought by patients more closely related to whether patient does or does not like health care professional than any other factor
Taking Responsibility for Quality Relationship to supervisor Patient advocacy
Good Quality Health Care Doing the right thing At the right time In the right way For the right person Getting the best possible results
Customer Satisfaction Methods to assess: Mail questionnaires Call customers Maintain log of complaints Satisfaction subjective
Customer Satisfaction When working with unhappy customer: Identify problem Seek resolution Verify satisfaction
Internal Customers Those working in health care industry Areas of focus: Good relationships with coworkers Job satisfaction and pride in work Constructive criticism Destructive criticism
Question True or False: Destructive criticism is never a positive event.
Answer False Destructive criticism is hard to receive, but looking for “kernel of truth” can be beneficial