12th Geant4 Space Users Workshop Welcome!
Programme Summary National /International space agency reports (Monday AM) 24 Papers 3 talks on Geant4 developments (Tuesday AM) 20th Anniversary of ESA – Geant4 Collaboration (Tuesday AM) Visit to Surrey Satellites Technologies Ltd (Wednesday after lunch) Workshop dinner at Cathedral refectory (Tuesday 7:00- 9:30PM)
The cathedral as it should have looked …
… but currently looks like this! Tuesday slide show
Workshop delegate-institute composition 56 Delegates 15 Countries
Admin Networks to use: Certificates of attendance Toilets Entrance WC Networks to use: “_Cloud” (See blue brochure) Eduroam Certificates of attendance Please advise one of organisers Toilets 1st floor (other side of pool table) Ground floor (turn left at bottom of stairs) Emergency evacuation & rendezvous point