Daniel Blackburn University of Washington


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Presentation transcript:

Daniel Blackburn University of Washington Higgsphyllic Z’ Model Daniel Blackburn University of Washington

Outline A. Martin & T. Roy’s higgsphyllic Z’ model MC simulation HV trigger efficiencies of MC events

Z’ Branching Fractions: Higgsphyllic Z’ Model Z’ Branching Fractions: d / s / b: 6% each u / c: 20% each e / μ / τ: 13% each νe / νμ / ντ: 0.2% each Z’ is a vector boson, less massive than Z Light Higgs with mass near 120 GeV produced by gluon fusion For well-separated and hard final state fermions, Z’ mass may be in range 0.5 mh > mZ’ > 0.1 mh. Z’ decays to kinematically allowed fermion pairs. Reference: A. Martin, T. S. Roy. The Gold-Plated Channel for Supersymmetric Higgs via Higgsphilic Z’. arXiv: 1103.3504v1, Submitted to Physical Review Z’ is the gauge boson of the broken U(1) symmetry Gluon Fusion dominant in 100-140 GeV. So we consider Higgs in this mass range. Add Z’ mass to this slide. Move Z’ lifetime is a free parameter to this slide. Make feynman diagram be f-fbar instead of lq lbarqbar

Characteristics of Model Z’ couples strongly to Higgs. Z’ may receive a significant portion of Higgs decay branching fraction While (mZ)2 >> (mZ’)2, Z’ decay branching fraction is approximately independent of Z’ mass The Z’ may decay promptly or be long-lived. The Z’ branching fraction is not affected by changing Z’ lifetime Since each Z’ may decay giving electrons, muons, or jets, there are a variety of final state signatures

MC Simulation Approximately 30,000 events privately simulated with no pileup (MC generation details in backup slides) mh = 120 GeV, mZ’ = 50 GeV Z’ lifetime (arbitrarily) set to cτ = 12 m. Lifetime chosen to explore sensitivity throughout detector. Decay Product Predicted Decays MC Data d 3823 3763 u 12060 12059 s 3830 3811 c 12009 b 3670 3644 e 8405 8421 νe 149 153 μ 8406 8430 νμ 134 τ 8358 8419 ντ 151 133

Detector Signatures Efficiency is found as a function of Z’ decay position. For each bin of width dR, the efficiency is the ratio of total triggered Z’ events to total Z’ decay events in that dR bin. (ε = triggered events / total events) The Z’ efficiencies can be compared to our πv0 in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2009-082

Muon Cluster Trigger Efficiency Barrel: Hadronic ends at r = 4.25m. First muon trigger plane at 7000 mm Endcap: Hadronic ends at z = 6.5 m. Muon triggering plane at z = 14m. Barrel Region: |η| < 1 Endcap Region: |η| > 1

Muon Cluster Trigger Efficiency Barrel Region: |η| < 1 Endcap Region: |η| > 1

Muon Cluster Trigger Efficiency Barrel Region: |η| < 1 Endcap Region: |η| > 1

Cal Ratio Trigger Efficiency EM Calorimeter barrel ends at r = 2 meters. As expected, the barrel signal begins at 2 m. In the 082 publication, Cal Ratio turns on at Z = 4m. This is also what we see here. Barrel Region: |η| < 1.4 Endcap Region: |η| > 1.4

Cal Ratio Trigger Efficiency Barrel Region: |η| < 1.4 Endcap Region: |η| > 1.4

Cal Ratio Trigger Efficiency Barrel Region: |η| < 1.4 Endcap Region: |η| > 1.4

Conclusions Fair trigger efficiency for most Z’ decays throughout the detector. Z’ to b decays have efficiency comparable to πv0 in note 082. Z’ muon decays currently evade HV triggers. These signals should be selected with 3mu6_MSonly and 2mu6_MSonly_g10_loose triggers. 3mu6_MSonly 2mu6_MSonly_g10_loose Future work: Add pileup and study how event selection changes. Simulate the SUSY signal from Martin and Roy’s model, with Z’ being produced in association with the LSP (manifesting MET)

Backup Slides

Athena Generation Evgen with Athena 15.6.13: Evgen_trf.py ecmEnergy=7000 runNumber=105745 firstEvent=1 maxEvents=5000 randomSeed=1324354657 jobConfig=MC10.105745.PythiaLLP_ggH120_Zprime50.py outputEvgenFile=pythia.pool.1.root Simulation with Athena pathena --trf "csc_atlasG4_trf.py --mcinput=True inputEvgenFile=%IN outputHitsFile=%OUT.HITS.pool.root \ maxEvents=50 skipEvents=%SKIPEVENTS randomSeed=%RNDM:8675309 geometryVersion=ATLAS-GEO-16-00-00 physicsList=QGSP_BERT \ conditionsTag=OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-02 DBRelease=%DB:ddo.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v120201:DBRelease-12.2.1.tar.gz \ IgnoreConfigError=False" --outDS user.Daniel.mc10.000001.pythia.simul.HITS.42/ \ --inDS user.Daniel.pythia.evgen.42 -- nEventsPerJob 50 Reconstruction with Athena pathena --trf \ 'Digi_trf.py \ inputHitsFile=%IN \ outputRDOFile=TMP.RDO.root \ maxEvents=25 \ skipEvents=%SKIPEVENTS \ DBRelease=%DB:ddo.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v150301:DBRelease-15.3.1.tar.gz \ conditionsTag=OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-04-13 \ geometryVersion=ATLAS-GEO-16-00-00 \ digiSeedOffset1=1 \ digiSeedOffset2=0; \ \ Reco_trf.py \ inputRDOFile=TMP.RDO.root \ outputESDFile=%OUT.ESD.pool.root \ outputAODFile=%OUT.AOD.pool.root \ DBRelease=%DB:ddo.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v150301:DBRelease-15.3.1.tar.gz \ autoConfiguration=everything \ conditionsTag=OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-04-13 \ geometryVersion=ATLAS-GEO-16-00-00 \ preExec="TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet=%8BAODSLIM%8B%3Brec.Commissioning.set_Value_and_Lock(True)%3Bjobproperties.Bea m.energy.set_Value_and_Lock(3500*Units.GeV)%3BmuonRecFlags.writeSDOs=True%3Bfrom\ %0BCaloRec.CaloCellFlags%0Bimport%0Bjobproperties%3Bjobproperties.CaloCellFlags.doMinBiasAverage=False%3Bjobproperties. Beam.numberOfCollisions.set_Value_and_Lock\ (8.0)%3Bjobproperties.Beam.bunchSpacing.set_Value_and_Lock(50)%3Bfrom%0BCaloTools.CaloNoiseFlags%0Bimport%0Bjobproper ties%3Bjobproperties.CaloNoiseFlags.FixedLuminosity.set_Value_and_Lock\ (1.45)%3BAODFlags.TrackParticleSlimmer=True%3Bfrom%0BCaloRec.CaloTopoClusterFlags%0Bimport%0Bjobproperties%3Bjobpr operties.CaloTopoClusterFlags.doCalibHitMoments.set_Value_and_Lock(False)" \ preInclude=SimulationJobOptions/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrains2011Config6_DigitConfig.py RunDependentSimData/configLumi_FutureProfile.py \ postInclude_r2e=RecJobTransforms/IDTrackingPtMin400MeV.py \ triggerConfig=MCRECO:MC_pp_v2_tight_mc_prescale\ ndminbiashitsfile=mc10_7TeV.105000.pythia_minbias_inelastic.merge.HITS.e723_s932_s952 \ numberofndminbias=8.0' \ --long \ -- dbRelease \ ddo.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v150301:DBRelease-15.3.1.tar.gz \ --nEventsPerJob 50 \ --inDS \ user.Daniel.mc10.000001.pythia.simul.HITS.42/ \ --outDS \ user.Daniel.MC10.000001.Pythia_MadGraph.ESDAOD.45

Coupling Constants (Here, q refers to any quark including b, while l refers only to electrons or muons...)

SUSY event Signals of 4l + MET. S-twiddle a dirac singlino, candidate for LSP. N-twiddle a neutral higgsino

082: Muon Cluster Cal Ratio