NIS School Rules Show respect to everyone. Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself. Follow directions the first time. Allow teaching and learning to take place at all times. Maintain NIS as a safe and clean school.
NIS Expectations Respect Organized Accountable Reliable
Dress and Grooming Highlights (K-6 Handbook pg. 20) The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Hair should be clean and neatly groomed and colored only in a natural hair color. Clothing that does not adequately cover the body or that has tears or rips that are higher than mid-thigh, such as: i. Low cut, see-through, spaghetti straps or backless dresses, or other revealing tops. Midriffs are to be covered. ii. Sleeveless shirts for boys. iii. Baggy/oversized pants or pants that hang on the hipbone, or unhemmed shorts. iv. Shorts, skirts, or split skirts shorter than mid-thigh in length. Skirts should be slit no higher than mid-thigh. Parents will be contacted if a student’s dress or grooming is not in accordance with district policy.
Motivational Math & Science Workbooks With a goal to increase each student’s understanding of math and science processes through application, NIS has purchased a science workbook for each student in 5th grade. Although we want the students to show how they solved the problems by writing directly in the workbook, we cannot afford to replace lost ones. There will be a charge (to be determined) to replace which is similar to how we do lost textbooks.
SSI (STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE) This is an SSI year (Student Success Initiative). State law requires that all 5th graders must pass the STAAR exam in Reading and Math to be promoted to 6th grade. (Students will have 3 attempts to do this.) In addition, students will be taking the Science STAAR test for the first time.
AI (ACCELERATED INSTRUCTION) TIME Accelerated Instruction Time was created districtwide in 5th grade this year to address the SSI requirements without interrupting regular classroom instructions. Below are the key purposes for the AI time that addresses all students’ needs: Students in need of interventions in Math or Reading will receive additional instruction by teachers and instructional specialists in a smaller group setting. Gifted and Talented students will be serviced by the GT Specialist for in-depth research and exploring the affective needs of the gifted. For the students who do not fall into either of the above categories, they will be taught important 5th grade science readiness standards. This will also include reviewing the 3rd & 4th grade standards to increase success of their working knowledge of the 5th grade science TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills). These standards will be taught in a variety of settings including technology instruction in the computer labs.
Bring Your Own Device Policy Intermediate Campuses Guidelines: Students may bring their electronic device to the classroom to be used for academic purposes. All electronic devices must be used at school in accordance with the TISD Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy. This can be found at All students will follow the school wide procedure for In-Class Usage. Each teacher will indicate through a signal process the expectation of the use of electronic devices that day in class. (green and red indicators)
Bring Your Own Device Policy (Continued) Unless the classroom teacher authorizes use for instructional purposes, students’ electronic devices shall remain silenced and in a backpack, locker, or other secure area(including the classroom). Electronic Devices shall not be used between class periods. Electronic Devices may be used before and after school and during lunch, as long as students follow TISD acceptable use guidelines. *Violations of the user agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action including a fee to have it returned.
NIS Conduct and Behavior Expectations Planners will be used by your children to keep track of homework. Please check it daily. Wednesday folders will be sent home with student work each week. Progress reports will be sent home every 3 weeks including grades and conduct. Home Access letters were sent home this summer. This information (including your personal password) allows you access to your child’s grades online. Please keep this information in a secure spot. Students will be receiving individual conduct grades for each content area. Conduct scale for each week based on marks received: 0-1 E 2 - S 3 - N 4 or more - U Let’s ROAR into the 2015-2016 school year!
Classroom Procedures Warm-up/Preperations Homework Check Review and Instruction (I do, We do, You do) INB Independent practice Homework (Time Permitting)
Website Top middle drop down (intermediate schools) to Northpointe Intermediate About Us Staff Directory Sorted by last name
Grading Guidelines Unit Tests Quizzes Homework (mainly Flipped videos) Major Grade Quizzes Daily Grade Homework (mainly Flipped videos) Daily Grade (completion) -3 pts. per homework not turned 1st missed hw (97) // 2nd missed hw (94) // 3rd missed hw (91) // etc…
Textbooks Interactive Science Motivation Science Mainly Homework Login ( Username: tisd(school ID) Initials@tbisd- tisd123456nk@tbisd-tx Password: Tomball(School ID) Tomball123456 Motivation Science Mainly Daily Grade Reinforcements and test review
Flipped Classroom Mandatory 6th grade does Flipped Becoming Schoolwide Login: Password: tisd8digitbirthday Caps sensitive Info and Q&A on googleclassroom Login information on Edlio