16th Session of RA II (Asia)


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Presentation transcript:

16th Session of RA II (Asia) Outcomes Debfriefing D/WDS This presentation relates to Document 4.4(2) which addresses meteorological services for aviation. //Next slide

The meeting in Abu Dhabi from 11-15 February discussed a range of priorities, including: Stronger regional and international cooperation in forecasts and warnings of environmental hazards like sand and dust storms, which affect human health and the economy in many countries in Asia. Sub-regional, regional and global early warning services became a hot issues in the session Dynamic and effective aviation meteorological services for the rapidly increasing aviation sector to improve efficiency and public safety Better weather and climate services in the “Third Pole” Himalayas region, where climate change is causing glacier melt, which will impact water supplies for hundreds of millions of people New partnerships with the evolving private sector, whilst ensuring that national meteorological services remain the authoritative source of weather warnings Stronger marine meteorological services, including better warnings of coastal inundation and storm surges, which are becoming an increasing problem because of increasing climate extremes.

Abdullah Ahmed Al Mandoos, Director of the National Center for Meteorology and Seismology of the United Arab Emirates, which hosted the meeting, was unanimously elected Regional Association President for the next four years. Rishi Ram Sharma, Director-General of Nepal’s Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, is Vice-President.

Two side Meetings “SWFDP” presented by Mr. Yuki Honda, Chair/OPAG-DPFS-CBS on Sunday afternoon, 12 Feb. 2017 after the session. “WMO Inter-regional Meteo Alarm System” presented by Mr. Ivan Caci, P/RA VI, Prof. Michael Staudinger, PR of Austria, and Mr. CM Shun, PR of HK, China, P/CAeM .

Purpose: 1. Share the good practice on early warnings, including Meteo-alarm 2. Encourage Members in RA II to aggregate their MHEWS warnings through CAP exchange through new WMO Inter-regional and Global Meteo Alarm System 3. Further develop the WWIS and SWIC to enable it function as a WMO Inter-regional and Global Meteo Alarm aggregator

Panelists 8: • Ivan Caci, P/RA VI Michel Staudinger, PR of Austria Chi-ming Shun, PR of HK, China Abdulla AL-MANNAI, President of RA II (Qatar) • Ghulam RASUL, PR of Pakistan and vice president of RA II • Hrin Nei THIAM, PR of Myanmar • Rishi Ram SHARMA, PR of Nepal • H.D. Yoo, Principal delegate of Korea

Platform of authoritative weather warnings by Ivan Caci Further development of WWIS and SWIC to accommodate the WMO Global Meteo Alarm functionality by Chi-ming Shun Technical aspects of aggregating warnings under Meteoalarm by Michael Staudinger Comments made by the Panelists: Support from all the panelists to the development of the global meteo alarm system including the strong support form PR of Korea. Single and authorized voice Sovereignty issue on issuing warning and provision of related services color coded standard Sub-regional requirements in RA II, i,.e. Gulf region, SEA region, central Asia region, Collaboration with RIEMS in Northern Indian Ocean etc. Recommendations from Members of RA II: Portal concept Need more background information before any decisions Not to use the term GNAS at current stage

I refer to my intervention this morning on Doc 4 I refer to my intervention this morning on Doc 4.1(2) on public weather services. In Decides (2) of Draft 3 of the abovementioned document, the phrase "and WMO inter-regional early warning system" was proposed to be deleted (which was recommended by JMA). Based on the latest discussions in the Session, it is considered not necessary to delete it. As such, I propose retaining it so that the whole clause will read as: "That Members in RA II be encouraged to use existing tools such as the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) in the development of impact-based forecast and warning services, and to support the further development of the World Weather Information Service (WWIS) and the Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC) as sources of authoritative warnings and forecasts and WMO inter-regional early warning system.“ Lee HKO, HK, China The Annex to the draft Decision in Doc 4.4(2) addresses six implementation areas for effective and efficient regional activities in the aeronautical meteorological services domain. In summary, these six implementation areas are: 1) Enhanced SIGMET information through regional cooperation; 2) Compliance with quality management system (QMS) requirements; 3) Compliance with competency and qualification requirements; 4) Planning for the migration to digital meteorological information exchange; 5) Improved awareness the GANP and ASBU and the associated national and regional planning; and 6) Strengthening institutional arrangements and business models, including cost recovery //Next slide

AGENDA ITEM 5.2: INTERNAL MATTERS OF THE ASSOCIATION SUMMARY DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: (a) Adopt draft Decision 5.2/1 — RA II intersessional planned meetings/activities 2017–2020; (b) Adopt draft Decision 5.2/2 — Information Sharing on Climate Services; (c) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/1 — Regional Association II Management Group; (d) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/2 — Regional Association II Working Group on Weather Services; (e) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/3 — Regional Association II Working Group on Climate Services; (f) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/4 — Regional Association II Working Group on Hydrological Services; (g) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/5 — Regional Association II Working Group on WMO Integrated Global Observing System and WMO Information System; (h) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/6 — Pilot Project to Develop Support for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Numerical Weather Prediction; (i) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/7 — Pilot Project to Sustain and Enhance the Capacity of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Provision of Official Weather Forecasts for the Medium Range; (j) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/8 — Pilot Project to Develop Support for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Collection and Application of Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) data; (k) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/9 — Pilot Project on Impact-based Forecasting; (l) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/10 — Pilot Project to Enhance the Regional Capability in Meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction; (m) Adopt draft Resolution 5.2/11— ¬The Regional Association II Operating Plan 2016–2019.

That the Expert Group on Operational Forecasting (EG-OF) should be composed of the following core members: (a) Coordinator of EG-OF; (b) Leader in Operational Weather Forecasting Process and Support; Leader in Emergency Response Activities; That the Expert Group on Public Weather Services Delivery including Disaster Risk Reduction (EG-PWS) should be composed of the following core members: (a) Coordinator of EG-PWS; (b) Leader in socioeconomic benefits of meteorological and hydrological services; (c) Leader in all aspects related to formulation, dissemination and assessment of warnings and delivery of warning services, including coordination and collaboration with disaster management agencies and organizations and the media; (d) Leader in education and public outreach related to PWS;

To designate, in accordance with Regulation 33 of the WMO General Regulations, an expert to be decided by the Management Group as chairperson of the Working Group, Mr Boon-leung Choy (Hong Kong, China) as coordinator of the Expert Group on Aeronautical Meteorological Services Delivery and Mr Yuki Honda (Japan) as coordinator of the Expert Group on Operational Forecasting; and Mr Lap-shun Lee (Hong Kong, China) as coordinator of the Expert Group on Public Weather Services Delivery including Disaster Risk Reduction. ---Draft Resolution 5.2/6 (RA II-16) PILOT PROJECT TO DEVELOP SUPPORT FOR NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES IN NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION ---Draft Resolution 5.2/7 (RA II-16) PILOT PROJECT TO SUSTAIN AND ENHANCE THE CAPACITY OF NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES IN THE PROVISION OF OFFICIAL WEATHER FORECASTS FOR THE MEDIUM RANGE ---Draft Resolution 5.2/9 (RA II-16) PILOT PROJECT ON IMPACT-BASED FORECASTING Draft Resolution 5.2/10 (RA II-16) PILOT PROJECT TO ENHANCE THE CAPABILITY OF METEOROLOGICAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IN REGIONAL ASSOCIATION II (ASIA)

(1) To establish a pilot project to enhance the regional capability in meteorological disaster risk reduction with the following terms of reference: (a) To develop an effective work plan, taking into account the relevant existing activities in RA II; (b) To establish a regional meteo-alarm system, based on the implementation of CAP and the experience of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) in hosting the WWIS and SWIC websites of WMO; (c) To promote experience sharing among NMHSs in RA II in disaster risk reduction through forums, workshops and training and other relevant activities; (d) To organize training courses on subjects related to this pilot project; (e) To provide the assistance to relevant Members in RA II to improve their operational capability in meteorological disaster risk reduction; (f) To monitor the progress of the project and assess the effectiveness of the project; (g) To liaise with RA II Working Group on Weather Services, as necessary; (2) To establish a coordinating group to implement this pilot project and designate the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the HKO as co-coordinators; (3) To request the coordinating group to submit annual progress reports and a final report to the president of the Association not later than three months prior to the seventeenth session of the Association; Invites interested Members: (1) To nominate an expert to participate in the work of the coordinating group; (2) To participate in and contribute to the pilot project activities and use the information available on the project website to implement their activities and projects in disaster risk reduction as necessary; Requests the Secretary-General to assist Members in the implementation of the pilot project.

Thank you