affect, conclude, equate reference : By Aracely Academy words list affect, conclude, equate reference : By Aracely
Affect (V) Pronunciation: affECT Definition :1) (v) to have an influence on(someone or something), 2 (of pain ,disease, etc). o attack or Infect, as a disease. Synonym(s) influence ,sway, modify, alter. Word family words: affected (adj) affectation(n) Affectability (n).
Sentences: A stepparent feels jealous of a stepchild. This issue affects biological parents too. Many health problems affect seniors people from of diabetes disease.
Conclude (v) Pronunciation: conCLUDE Definition: finish, come to an end. Synonym(s) : achieve, complete, consummate Bring down, terminate. Antonym(s) begin, commence, introduce, preface, start.
Word family words: Conclusion(n),concluding(pp-adj) Conclusive(adj) Common Idiom: In conclusion –used in a piece of writing or a speech to show you are about to finish what you are saying , finally. Sentences: In conclusion Albert is teaching us a lot of computer skill. Many students have concluded their homework.
Equate(,v) Pronunciation: Equale Definition : regard, treat, or represent as equivalent: We cannot equate the possession of wealth with goodness (n) A person or thing that is equal (v) To be or become equal. Synonym(S) : according, balanced, break even, comparable, coordinate, correspondent, double, equivalent, evenly matched, fifty-fifty,
equitability (n), equated, equating (v), equateable (adj) Word family words: equitability (n), equated, equating (v), equateable (adj) Sentence(s): We cannot equate the possession of wealth with goodness. To equate these faculties was the secret of artistic success.