The Map of Afghanistan
The Flag of Afghanistan
The National Anthem of Afghanistan Pashto Transliteration English Translation Da watan Afghanistan dai, Da izat da har Afghan dai Kor de sole, kor de ture Har bacai ye qahraman dei Da watan de ttolo kor de Da Baloco, de Uzbeko De pax tun aw Hazarawo De Turkmeno, de tajeko Wer sara Areb, Gujer di Pamiryan, Nuristanyan di Qizilbash di ham Aymaq hum Pasayan This land is Afghanistan It is the pride of every Afghan The land of peace, the land of sword Each son of it is brave This is the country of every tribe The land of Balochs an Uzbeks Pashtun and Hazaras Turkmens and Tajiks With them, there are Arabs and Guijars Pamirians, Nuristanis Brahuis, an Qizilbash, also Aimaq and Pashai
Afghanistan Location:-Asia Capital:- Kabul President:- Mr. Asharaf Gahni Population:- 33939228 Native languages:- Dari and Pashto Number of Provinces:-34. each province encompass a number of districts or usually over 1000 villages. Total area :- 652,864km2 Currency:- Afghani Religion:-Islam
Afghanistan culture Afghanistan has mostly a tribal and rural society with different region of the country having there own native language. Despite some difference all Afghans follow Islamic culture, celebrate the same Islamic festival, same dress, consume the same food, and almost mute lingual .
The Famous Games played in Afghanistan Buzkashi (the national sport of Afghanistan) Football Boxing Cricket basketball
Traditional Dress
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