Connecting With God: Practices to Sustain Christians in the Workplace Shannon Vandewarker Cascade Fellows Program Coordinator Fuller Institute for Theology and Northwest Culture
Reading scripture in your office space: Practices of Location Reading scripture in your office space: The context that we read scripture in matters. What would change in your knowledge and experience of scripture, if you read it in the different spaces where you work?
Office space as Holy Ground Practices of Location Office space as Holy Ground If God is in your workspace, guiding enabling your work, then your office is a space of Holy Ground. What would change for you if you started each day giving your office space back to God as set apart and Holy?
Confession Practices of prayer Confession brings the truth out into the open. In confession we tell the truth about ourselves, our companies, our work. How can you be a person who tells the truth and confesses where you have missed the mark in the workplace?
Practices of Prayer Lament Bringing the frustrations, the heartbreaks, and the ways we feel stuck in our work to God, and inviting him to be our companion in those things. What difference might bringing God into your frustration and heartbreak make in your work life?
Practices of Presence A Presence of Love Grounding yourself in God’s unconditional love for you, before you succeed or fail in your work. Asking yourself periodically: Is my work most motivated by fear or most motivated by love?
Practices of Presence A Presence of Attention Holding our to-do lists lightly, and asking God what his to-do list for us in our work. How might paying attention to God’s agenda change your work?
Discussion Questions 1. What practices, if any, have you adopted into your work? What difference has that practice made in your work, relationships and identity? 2. What practices would you like to add to your work? What difference would you hope this practice will make? 3. How have you seen others adopt spiritual practices into their work? How might you connect with them to grow together in your relationship with God at work?