Operations Research Lecture 5
Operations Research CPM / PERT
Networks Mathematical Linear Programming (MLP) Probabilistic Inventory OR Techniques Mathematical Linear Programming (MLP) Probabilistic Inventory Networks Others
Critical Path Method (CPM) Networks Critical Path Method (CPM) Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Network Flow
Example Obtain Stamp Write a Letter Put in Env. Address & Stamp Post 3 8 16 12 14 Obtain Envelope 7
Concept of Network The first step in the application of CPM is to develop a network representation of the project plan. A 'network' is a graphic represent-ation with a flow of some type in its branches. It represents nodes and branches.
Systems of Network Physical Situation Nodes Branches Flow Highways Intersections Roads Vehicles Communications Switching points Wires Messages Fluid Supply Pumping Stations Pipes Fluid Production Work Centers Routes Jobs Project Management Decision Points Activities Time Airways Airports Airlines Aircraft
Example A Company is interested in preparing budget. The details of the activities and the department involved are given in the following Table:
Preparation of Production Budget Job Identification Alternate Job Description Department A 1-2 Forecasting Sales Sales B 2-4 Pricing Sales C 2-3 Preparation of production Sch. Engineering D 3-4 Costing the production Costing E 4-5 Preparation of Budget President
Arrow Diagram 4 E B A 1 2 D 5 C 3 We infer that activity A is the first job. Jobs B and C start only after A is over. A is called the predecessor of B and C and B and C the successors of A.
Rules For Construction of Networks (a) Each activity is represented by one and only one arrow. This means that no single activity can be represented twice in a network (b) No two activities can be identified by the same end events. This means that there should not be loops in the network …
(c). Time flows from left to right (c) Time flows from left to right. All the arrows point in one direction. Arrows pointing in opposite direction must be avoided (d) Arrows should not cross each other. (e) Every node must have at least one activity preceding it and at least one activity following it, except for the nodes at the very beginning and at the very end of the network.
Dummy Activities There is a need for dummy activities when the project contains groups of two or more jobs which have common predecessors. The time taken for the dummy activities is zero. Suppose we have the following project of jobs with their immediate predecessors. Jobs A B C D E Intermediate Predecessor - A,B B,C
Activity B is the common immediate predecessor of both D and E. A is the immediate predecessor of D alone and C is the predecessor of E. Let B lead into two dummy jobs D1 and D2 and let D1 be an immediate predecessor of D and D2 of E as shown in Figure D A D1 B D2 C E
Dummy arrow represents an activity with zero time duration Dummy arrow represents an activity with zero time duration. It is represented by a dotted line and is introduced in a network to clarify activity pattern under the following situations. It is created to make activities with common starting and finishing events distinguishable. To identify and maintain the proper precedence relationship between activities that are not connected by events.
Example: A project consists of the following activities whose precedence relationship is given below. Draw an arrow diagram of the project. Activity Followed by Preceded by A B, C - B D C, A C E, B F E G, F H, E, D G H, J H J G, H
J A C D B F H D3 D1 D2 E G Activity Followed by Preceded by A B, C - B C, A C E, B F E G, F H, E, D G H, J H J G, H G
Example:. A project has the following activities Example: A project has the following activities. The relationships among the activities are given below. Construct the network. A is the first operation. B and C can be performed parallel and are immediate successors to A. D,E and F follow B. G follows E. H follows D, but it cannot start till E is complete. I and J succeed G. F and J precede K. H and I precede L. M succeeds L and K. The last operation N succeeds M and C.
H 5 7 L D I J A B E G K M 4 1 2 3 6 8 9 10 N F 11 C
Operations Research Lecture 5