CERN Students Summer School 2003 The committee of the Summer School: Ricarda Betzing José Fernandez-Barbon Claire Gili Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard Juergen Knobloch Monica Pepe-Altarelli Francesco Ruggiero Ingrid Schmid Andreas Schopper Welcome to the 2003 Summer Students!! You are ~150 people from 27 different countries July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
CERN : World’s largest Particle Physics lab Founded in 1954 to consolidate and develop the european science Today CERN includes 20 permanent countries-members and as observers, Japan, Russian federation, USA, Turkey, Israel, EU and UNESCO. July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
The advantages of being CERN’s user Put in common facilities and tools => increase efficiency. Profit from the large community of theorists, experimentalists, accelerator experts working in same place. Work in a scientific environment dedicated to fundamental science, also giving birth to very important applications. It allows to go beyond nations, enhancing the human brotherhood. July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Science highlights at CERN Discovery of Neutral Currents 1972 Discovery of W and Z bosons 1983 (anniversary!!!) Search and measurement (1988-2001) of the Direct component of CP Violation. Measurement of the number of particle families (LEP, 1991) Prediction of the top-quark mass (LEP) Evidence for the quark-gluon plasma (Heavy Ions) Creation of anti-Hydrogen in the Lab (2002) July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Famous faces at CERN Georges Charpak Nobel Price 1992 Nobel Price 1984 Carlo Rubbia and Simon Van Der Meer John Bell Quantum Physics Georges Charpak Nobel Price 1992 Nobel Price 1984 Tim Berners-Lee The WWW Andre Lagarrigue Neutral Currents Samuel Ting Nobel Price 1976 Jack Steinberger Nobel Price 1988 Luciano Maiani The c-quark July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
The CERN Students Summer School It is meant to allow you discover the world of research on elementary forces Through A series of lectures on theoretical and experimental physics An individual work within a CERN group Key point: Get an idea about the main fields and today’s questions on particle Physics and especially Discuss directly with the people doing it to understand their motivations and way of thinking July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard Topics and professors Topics : all current items of research in Particle Physics and astrophysics at CERN and around the world The lecturers are chosen among the main actors of each field at CERN and around the World. Also on their pedagogical skills July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard The 2003 School program Introduction to modern Physics 4h Theory Fundamental concepts in particle physics 6h Standard Model 8h Beyond the Standard Model 3h Necessary tools Detectors 5h Accelerators 5h Introduction to electronics 3h DAQ+ Computing 2h From raw data to Physics 2h Introduction to statistics 2h Experimental results LEP results 2h Physics at the TEVATRON 3h Physics at LHC 3h Heavy Ions 3h Astro-particles 3h Antimatter in the lab 2h Neutrino Physics 4h CP-Violation 4h Cosmology 4h July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard ..and also.. Discussion sessions: Twice a week, you meet the lecturers to ask questions and converse. Two sessions in parallel for 45mn. Seminars: once per week, every Wednesday afternoon. Workshops : See next presentation from Olav Ullaland Informal drinks with CERN personalities. July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
Suggestions for your summer at CERN Follow lectures, seminars workshops (try at least…) and discussions. ASK QUESTIONS and try to record as much as possible Produce a concrete experimental work Discuss with physicists Meet your colleagues Enjoy the region for admin. problems Claire, Ingrid, Ricarda for problems on lecture(r)s Lydia July 2nd 2003 Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard