Spice, spice, is everything that's nice..
We use it every day...
So why learn about spices? ← That was more valuable than this →
Spices and other precious goods were traded everywhere... Ebony, Silk, Tea, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ivory, Gold, Cassia, Sandalwood, Coffee, Camphor, Black Pepper, Allspice, Vanilla, Chocolate, Curry Leaves
They brought these guys...
Sailing these...
To places like these... Calicut, India 1572
Ceylon (Modern Sri Lanka)
Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia)
To do this...
So Europeans could do this...
Your task: Get in a group of two, then research and present one of these goods, Ebony, Silk, Tea, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ivory, Gold, Cassia, Sandalwood, Coffee, Camphor, Black Pepper, Allspice, Vanilla, Chocolate, Curry Leaves
Projects need to include: In the 1500s/1600s: Where it was from, How Europeans would get it, How valuable or common it was, Today: Where it was transplanted to, if it was transplanted, How we use it, The most valuable item that has it. Include, Pictures, Facts or details, Where is the good/spice today.