Introduction Objectives: To understand the outcomes of studying Lord of the Flies. To read and annotate a description of the island.
Outcomes English Language English Literature Controlled Assessment in Understanding Creative Texts (15%) English Literature Unit 1 Exam Preparation (20%)
Opening Scene from Lost What would you do if you woke up on an island? What would your priorities be? How do you think you could get people together?
What will we call our island? What are my rights and what are my responsibilities on our island? We’ve been shipwrecked on a desert island. We need to build somewhere to live and find a way to survive. We need to find and prepare our own food and water and we need to live together as a community. What jobs will need to be done, who will do each job, and how will we decide? Will we have rules on our island? How will we decide on the rules and what will they be? Who will be in charge? Will it be one person, two people or will everyone agree on things? How will we decide this? Will we vote for a leader, just ask one person to be leader or take it in turns? What if one person doesn’t agree with the choice of leader? What happens if someone breaks the rules?
Our Island A. B. E. D. C. F. Our Island is called… 10 Commandments What will happen to law-breakers? * A. Our Island is called… Our rights will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Our responsibilities will include: B. E. D. Jobs & duties: C. Our Leader: Who is/are your leader/s? Did everyone agree? How did you choose? What convinced you? What did they promise? What will they do? F.
Recruiting Members In your groups, write a short advert persuading newcomers to join your island. You should include as many positives as possible and make your island community sound appealing. Think about the language techniques you could use to make your advert as effective as possible.
This novel is about a group of boys who get stranded on an island. The Island This novel is about a group of boys who get stranded on an island. Read through the extract describing the Island and annotate the language techniques used to describe the setting: What atmosphere is created? What is your impression of this place?
Home Learning What is context? Due: Lesson 3 Find out: When the book was written Some information about William Golding’s life Extension: Think about how William Golding’s life might have influenced his writing. Due: Lesson 3