Lord of the Flies Vocabulary by Chapter
Chapter One (Page numbers are in parentheses) Foliage (9) Suffusion (23) Motif (12) Askew (26) Specious (12) Pliant (26) Enmity (14) Bastion (29) Decorous (15) Furtive (22)
Chapter Two (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Errant (38) Tumult (43) Martyred (38) Tirade (45) Ebullience (38) Grotesque (39) Absurd (40) Recrimination (43)
Chapter Three (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Abyss (49) Vicissitudes (49) Opaque (53) Inscrutably (56) Susurration (57)
Chapter Four (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Blatant (58) Ravenously (66) Dubious (59) Malevolently (71) Impalpable (61) Parody (72) Detritus (61) Taboo (62) Tacitly (65)
Chapter Five (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Apex (77) Vivid (85) Derisive (86) Effigy (87) Inarticulate (89) Incantation (94)
Chapter Six (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Tremulously (99) Leviathan (105) Emphatic (101) Taut (107) Obscured (103) Diffidently (103) Impenetrable (104) Chasm (105)
Chapter Seven (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Dun (109) Daunting (119) Brine (110) Impervious (121) Obtuseness (111) Apprehension (113) Vulnerable (115) Traverses (116)
Chapter Eight (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Rebuke (128) Iridescent (138) Catastrophe (139) Vexed (139) Demented (134) Skewered (137) Cynicism (137) Runnels (138)
Chapter Nine (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Interspersed (146) Vastness (153) Corpulent (146) Steadfast (154) Primly (147) Protruded (148) Sauntered (150) Abominable (152)
Chapter Ten (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Impaired (155) Exulting (168) Gesticulating (156) Torrid (159) Assimilating (160) Theological (161) Purged (167)
Chapter Eleven (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Myopia (169) Talisman (180) Propitiatingly (173) Pinnacles (174) Truculently (177) Cessation (178) Parried (179)
Chapter Twelve (Page numbers are in Parentheses) Bough (184) Grimaced (197) Acrid (186) Inimical (187) Ensconce (191) Cordon (191) Balked (195)