Chapter One-Two Lord of the Flies
Characters Ralph Jack Piggy Simon Elected leader, protagonist Choir leader, antagonist, appointed lead hunter Piggy Whiny, intellectual Simon Shy, sensitive, choir boy
Setting Deserted tropical island in the South Pacific Beach Lagoon Jungle
Symbols from chapter one Young boys on island Symbolizes children’s preadolescent stage of life and innocence in all children Children with no adults Symbolizes how children behave without any rules or consequences – Foreshadows events to come Piggy Represents intellectual and scientific members of society – behavior and glasses Conch shell Represents law, order, and political stability – the children hear it blown and come to the beach
Symbols Chapter 2 Piggy’s glasses The fire Ralph Piggy The “beastie” Only item that can start the fire. Represent rationality The fire The boys’ desire to return to civilization Ralph Represents civilization, morality, leadership Piggy Represents scientific and intellectual aspects of civilization. The boys see him as weak and whiny The “beastie” A child’s fear of being alone
Theme and Important Elements Law and order vs. anarchy and chaos Conch shell and meetings vs. unorganized behavior and out of control fire The unknowns of chapters The Beastie Rescue