Lord of the Flies Vocabulary Chapter 2
Gesticulated (V) “He gesticulated widely.” to make or use gestures especially in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech
Errant (Adj.) “He sighed, bent, and laced up his shoes. The noise of the errant assembly faded up to the mountain.” journeying or traveling, as if in quest of adventure
high spirits; exhilaration; exuberance. Martyred (N) “Then, with the (1) martyred expression of a parent who has to keep up with the senseless (2) ebullience of the children, he picked up the conch, turned toward the forest…” a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause Ebullience (N) high spirits; exhilaration; exuberance.
Officious (Adj.) “There was pushing and pulling and officious cries.” objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice
Contemptuously (Adv/Adj) “A fat lot you tried,” said Jack contemptuously. “You just sat.” showing or expressing disdain; scornful.
Indignantly (Adj/Adv) “I got the conch,” said Piggy indignantly. “You let me speak!” expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting
Recriminations (noun) “His voice lifted into the whine of virtuous recriminations. accusations You did it! It is your fault! No You did it! It’s your fault!
hayrick (N) “You said you wanted a small fire and you been and built a pile like a hayrick.” a large pile of hay, esp one built in the open air and covered with thatch
Capering (Adj./V) “Beneath the capering boys a quarter of a mile square of forest was savage with smoke and flame.” to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner; prance;