Mao Ze Dong – The Person Behind the Poster Text 3Fs
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Forms Written in a chronological order Timeline of Mao Tse Tung’s life Serves as a narrative to the readers Highlighting the various contributions and significant events of his life
Function To serve as a source of information about Mao Tse- Tung’s life To raise awareness about his contributions in the political arena of China To highlight to people about his revolution in China To promote Mao Tse-Tung as a great revolutionary
Features Biography is written in a passive voice Takes the point of view from a third person
Features Written in past tense Recounts Mao Tse Tung’s life from his birth till death and how he changed the politics of China
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Form Written in a way that focuses on certain parts of Mao Ze Dong’s public life Focused on the major events he brought about Third-person perspective – an outsider’s opinion of Mao Ze Dong Written as a factual narrative for his life
Features Matter-of-fact tone Passive voice Varied descriptive adjectives – “overpowering”/ “champion”
Function To provide a diversified and unbiased view on Mao Zedong’s life Inform readers of both his achievements and his failures Cold, hard factual analysis of his efforts Provide a background for Mao Ze Dong – a more humanlike face to place to the name and the faces printed on the posters
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Forms Flashback – Starts with Mao’s achievements Timeline – A recount of his life Narrative
Functions To inform of his achievments To inform of his life Provide a judegement of his achievements
Features Chronological order Passive voice Recounts his life in 3 segments Provides an objective view with no bias, with an overall assessment of his life