Presentation You will be assigned a dictator to research (past or present) of the 20th/21st Century but NOT Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or Mao Zedong Ex. Nicolae Ceausescu (Romania), Kim Jong-Un, Kim Jong-il or Kim il-Sung (North Korea), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Idi Amin (Uganda), Muammar al-Gaddafi (Libya) Pol Pot (Cambodia), Josip Tito (Yugoslavia), Than Shwe (Burma/Myanmar), Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines), Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus), Augusto Pinochet (Chile), Indira Gandhi (India – during “emergency period”) Provide info. on the following: Background (childhood, family, etc…) – 10 pts Rise to power – 20 pts While in power, how did he exhibit characteristics of a totalitarian leader*** - 30 pts – YOU MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 OF THE 4 CHARACTERISTICS Death (if applicable) or where they are now – 10 pts Condition of the country during their leadership + afterwards – 20 pts You will also need to have a works cited page 10 pts Visual – 20 pts Due on Monday- Worth 120 points
Presentation You will be assigned a dictator to research (past or present) of the 20th/21st Century but NOT Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or Mao Zedong Ex. Nicolae Ceausescu (Romania), Kim Jong-Un, Kim Jong-il or Kim il-Sung (North Korea), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Idi Amin (Uganda), Muammar al-Gaddafi (Libya) Pol Pot (Cambodia), Josip Tito (Yugoslavia), Than Shwe (Burma/Myanmar), Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines), Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus), Augusto Pinochet (Chile), Indira Gandhi (India – during “emergency period”) Provide info. on the following: Background (childhood, family, etc…) – 10 pts Rise to power – 20 pts While in power, how did he exhibit characteristics of a totalitarian leader*** - 30 pts – YOU MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 OF THE 4 CHARACTERISTICS Death (if applicable) or where they are now – 10 pts Condition of the country during their leadership + afterwards – 20 pts You will also need to have a works cited page 10 pts Visual – 20 pts Due on Monday- Worth 120 points