What is Google Classroom?
Create a Class Click on the + in the upper right corner Fill in the information for class Click Create Click on Students. This will allow you to start inviting students.
Join a class To receive assignments from your teacher, manage work, and communicate with your classmates, you first need to sign in to Classroom and join your teacher’s class. You have 2 ways to join a class: If your teacher gives you a class code, use this code to add yourself to the class. If your teacher sends an invitation, open your class stream and click Join on the class card.
Add Assignments Create assignment in Google Forms. In the class, click on the + and then “create assignment”. Insert required information. Click on the drive symbol. Choose your created form or document for the assignment. If it is a document for a written assignment, be sure to click on “Make a copy for each student”. Click on assign and you can schedule it, save it, or assign it immediately.
To see responses 2 ways to view: Go to Assignment and open in sheets for individual scores. Go to your form. Click responses and scroll down for class summary scores and how students did overall on each question.
Grading: Students can get immediate feedback with points in Google. Flubaroo is another grading option. It is an add-on. If a percentage score is desired, you will need to use Flubaroo (add-on). This add-on also allows teachers to print individual student responses with percentage grade for a hard copy to send home.