Bible Study Guide Name: Class: Teacher: The Book of 1 Samuel
I. Historical Setting (1-7) A. Samuel's Birth, Youth, & Calling B. Israel Defeated by the Philistines; the Ark taken and restored
II. The Beginning of the Kingship in Israel under the Guidance of Samuel (8:1-16:13) A. The Rise of Saul (8-12 1. The people's sinful request for a king (8) 2. Samuel anoints Saul privately (9:1-10:16) 3. Saul chosen to be king publicly (10:17-27) 4. Saul's choice as king confirmed (11:1-13) 5. Saul's reign inaugurated at a covenant renewal ceremony (11:14-12:25)
B. Saul's Kingship a Failure (13:1-16:13)
III. Establishment of Kingship in Israel (16:14-31:13) A. The Rise of David (16:14-27:12) 1. David enters Saul's service (16:14-17:58)
2. David becomes alienated from Saul (18-19) 3. Jonathan protects David from Saul (20) 4. David continues to elude Saul (21:1-22:5)
5. Saul kills the priests at Nob (22:6-23) 6. David rescues the people of Keilah (23:1-6) 7. Saul continues to pursue David (23:7-29) 8. David spares Saul's life (24)
9. Nabal and Abigail (25) 10. David again spares Saul's life (26) 11. David enters Achish's service (27)
B. The End of Saul's Reign (28-31)