Lincoln Background Notes Abraham Lincoln: 2/12/1809 to 4/15/1865 From Birth to Politics: KT-IN-IL Family: Thomas/Nancy/Sara—(Sarah Bush) “Honest Abe” Stories of Childhood
Lincoln Background Notes Family Tragedies: Mother, Sister Loses his mother at 9, sister at 19. Careers/Occupations For Lincoln: Rancher Railroad Store Clerk Inventor Lawyer
Lincoln Background Notes POLITICS OF LINCOLN: First ran in 1832—State House Campaign, Outcome Ran again 1834—Wins! Serves 1834-1840—3 terms. Leaves in 1840—Broke and Broken! “Lost Love” for Lincoln. Nervous breakdown from years in office, and personal problems.
Lincoln Background Notes OTHER POLITICS: Later Serves as State Elector Runs for Senator in 1858—Stephen Douglas Presidential run in 1860—Civil War! YouTube - Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln’s Family Engaged multiple times during the 1830’s. Finally marries: Mary Todd in 1842 Life of Mary Todd: Widow with two sons Brothers fought for Confederacy Outrageous life style: Clothing, spending of money. Dominate personality over Lincoln. Certified insane following Lincoln’s death. Lives out her final days with former maid from the White House.
Lincoln’s Family Lincoln’s Family: Four Sons—each with a strange story. Robert: 1843. Lived until 1926. Edward: Born 1846, died in 1850. Willie: Born 1850, died in 1862. Thought to be the “favorite”. Tad: Born 1853, died1871.