Psychology Five Stages of Grief 7/3/2018
Bellwork Please watch the YouTube video, Sports Injuries: Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/3/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Think-Pair-Share Based on the video, what types of emotions do you think are going through those athletes’ heads? Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class. 3. Think-pair-share teacher presents a question teacher gives wait time for student to form answer teacher instructs students to share their answer with a partner teacher calls on non-volunteers to share with the class PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 3
Objectives Analyze the five stages of grief and understand behaviors found in each stage. Respond appropriately to behaviors exhibited in each stage of grief Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/3/2018
Terminology Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/3/2018
Five Stages of Grief Developed by Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross Based on research on terminally ill patients • Denial and isolation: "This is not happening to me." • Anger: "How dare God do this to me." • Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my son graduate." • Depression: "I can't bear to face going through this, putting my family through this." • Acceptance: "I'm ready, I don't want to struggle anymore." Is applicable to athletics and injuries Stages are fluid and some take longer than others Athletes may move backwards and forwards Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/3/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Numbered Heads 3 4. Numbered Heads students number off in a group from 1 to 4 teacher poses a question group discusses the answer teacher selects a number from 1 to 4 and asks all students who represent that number to raise their hand teacher calls on a non-volunteer or uses a random method to generate a number such as rolling die teacher provides feedback Students Number 1-6 Students form your groups. We will be using them as we investigate the five stages. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Denial/Disbelief Change reality in order to deal with negative Helps decrease anxiety Minimizes threat of situation Mentally decreases pain/discomfort Denies pain and severity Allows time to deal with trauma Should not interfere with health care provider’s job of caring for athlete 7/3/2018
Anger With himself/herself or with others An expression of hurt and rage Normal to strike out at others Internalized anger (self-blame) can lead to depression 7/3/2018
Bargaining Deal-making in order to get what they want Athletes want to be able to play so are trying to come up with quick fix method If you allow athlete to participate, he/she promises to be model rehab patient Minimizes the injury because athlete will be able to participate 7/3/2018
Depression Physiological Weight change Sleep disturbance Constipation/diarrhea Fatigue Cognitive Symptoms Sadness Crying Social withdrawal Guilt Boredom/apathy Hopelessness Self-criticism 7/3/2018
Acceptance Acknowledges severity of injury Acknowledges necessity of rehabilitation Acknowledges new role with team/sport 7/3/2018
What you can do to provide the mental care Focus your attention on athlete; not injury Encourage athlete to talk Show empathy but not pity Do not be judgmental Be a listener! Be supportive/reassuring Be knowledgeable about injury and rehab process Keep it simple Repeat yourself; have them repeat it back to you 7/3/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 12 Word Summary 48 37 18 21 14 13 23 In 12 words or less, summarize the most important aspects from today's lesson. 26. 12 Word Summary in 12 words or less, summarize the most important aspects from today's lesson teacher uses a strategy to check all PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 14