Role of Apoptosis in Vulnerable Plaques Pedro R. Moreno, MD, FACC Associate Professor of Medicine Director Interventional Cardiology Research Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, New York
Pedro R. Moreno, MD DISCLOSURES I have no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report.
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Conclusions Programmed cell death is characteristic of Atherosclerosis.
Conclusions Programmed cell death is characteristic of Atherosclerosis. Apoptosis may be a significant contributor to plaque rupture.
Conclusions Programmed cell death is characteristic of Atherosclerosis. Apoptosis may be a significant contributor to plaque rupture. Predominant apoptotic cell type in plaque rupture is the macrophage.
Conclusions Programmed cell death is characteristic of Atherosclerosis. Apoptosis may be a significant contributor to plaque rupture. Predominant apoptotic cell type in plaque rupture is the macrophage. Apoptosis is related to thrombosis through Tissue Factor pathway.
Conclusions Programmed cell death is characteristic of Atherosclerosis. Apoptosis may be a significant contributor to plaque rupture. Predominant apoptotic cell type in plaque rupture is the macrophage. Apoptosis is related to thrombosis through Tissue Factor pathway. Apoptosis contributes to the expansion of lipid core through a disable efferocytosis pathway