This is a composite image of 2 different cases of 3D sonohysterography This is a composite image of 2 different cases of 3D sonohysterography. The upper panel shows a multiplanar (A is transverse, B is sagittal, and C is coronal) and a rendered (D is coronal) view of a subseptate uterus. This image is a snapshot part of a 4D video sequence where the distension of the uterine cavity with fluid was done under guidance from the multiplanar and rendered coronal views in (C) and (D). The coronal views give great information regarding the adequacy of the distension sideways—something that cannot be appreciated with a sagittal view only. In addition, the multiplanar and rendered displays can be interactively adjusted on the fly to obtain the desired view. Windows (E) (coronal), (F) (rendered sagittal), (G) (rendered axial), and (H) (rendered coronal) are multiple windows in a tomographic display of this uterus distended with saline during a 3D sonohysterography procedure. This is a very useful display as it extends the traditional multiplanar display by showing multiple slices along all 3 planes. In this case the coronal images in (E) are displayed from the grid placed in transverse plane. (Windows E, F, G, and H are courtesy of Richard Begin, Siemens Medical Ultrasound Division, Mountain View, CA, USA. Source: VOLUME SONOGRAPHY: CORE CONCEPTS FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE, Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Principles & Practice, 7e Citation: Fleischer AC, Toy EC, Lee W, Manning FA, Romero RJ. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Principles & Practice, 7e; 2014 Available at: Accessed: November 04, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved