The Church: Christ’s Continued Presence & Work in the World Section 1 The Church: Christ’s Continued Presence & Work in the World
The Holy Spirit & the Church Section 1, Part 2 The Holy Spirit & the Church
Introduction Why the Holy Spirit’s action in the Church right after the origin of the Church? The Holy Spirit revealed in the Scriptures, especially Pentecost The Person & Mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit are united The Holy Spirit builds, animates, & sanctifies the Church The Holy Spirit helps us live a life according to the Spirit The Holy Spirit gives us charisms to build up the Church 6 Articles A. 4 – Introducing the Holy Spirit A. 5 – Pentecost: The Church Revealed to the World A. 6 – The Meaning of Pentecost A. 7 – The Holy Spirit Animates, Sanctifies, & Builds the Church A. 8 -- Life According to the Holy Spirit A. 9 – The Holy Spirit Gifts the Church
A. 4: Introducing the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit in the OT? Mighty wind sweeping over the waters in Gn. that creates The Holy Spirit in the NT Overshadowing Mary to conceive Jesus in the Incarnation Descending upon the Apostles & Mary at Pentecost Christ & the Holy Spirit’s Relationship Delayed revelation until fullness at Pentecost Conjoined & inseparable action The Mission of the Holy Spirit—sign & instrument of Jesus to the Church 1 or 3 missions of the Trinity? Principal agent?—Father (Creation), Son (Redemption), HS (Mission of Salvation) Already begun but not yet complete Then why even bother with it all? Role of the Church—sign & instrument of Jesus to the world Example of Sisters of the Holy Spirit & Mary Immaculate Other examples
You Tube Videos: The Holy Spirit Intoduction to the Holy Spirit: Fr. Heaslip
A. 5: Pentecost: The Church Revealed to the World A significant step in the Mission of the Holy Spirit & the Church Pentecost as a means to Communion Definition & etymology of Pentecost Pente = 50 Jewish feast—Feast of Weeks Summary of New Testament account Acts 2 Symbols of the HS Strong driving wind & Tongues of fire Old Testament link to Joel 2 Peter’s role Not drunk but filled with the Holy Spirit Invitation of the Holy Spirit through Peter Repent & be baptized Reversal of Old Testament story of the Tower of Babel (Gn. 11) Languages
A. 6: The Meaning of Pentecost Birthday of the Church—in the sense of revelation not origin Baby analogy Trinitarian revelation -- first full (central) Ecclesial revelation -- first full Opens the age of the Holy Spirit & the Church Beginning of the Church’s mission on earth Evangelize & baptize Continue Christ’s mission—Body of Christ Great Commissioning But NOT the beginning of the Church Eternally planned by God Foreshadowed in the Old Testament Instituted by Christ—words & deeds of life but especially by the Paschal Mystery (Passion, Death, Resurrection, & Ascension) Liturgical celebration of Pentecost Red vestments, Veni, Sanctus Spiritus, etc…
You Tube Videos: Pentecost The Meaning of Pentecost
A. 7: The Holy Spirit Animates, Sanctifies, & Builds the Church Analogy of natural energy & spirit Only an analogy—the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person 3 effects of Holy Spirit’s energy in the Church Animation (Lt. etymoloy) Definition—life Analogy of the soul of the Body of Christ (Augustine) Ex. of Pentecost conversion from fear to courage Sanctification Definition--holy Sacraments, Grace Types, Virtues, Gifts, Fruits Building Definition—growth (3,000 at Pentecost—today?) Method—individual to communal Biblical meaning of spirit—pneuma & ruah Challenge to youth—openness to the HS, gifts, freedom, & legacy
You Tube Videos: The Revelation of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit in the Church Jimmy Akin: The Person of the Holy Spirit
A. 8: Life According to the Holy Spirit Dramatic transformation vs. static stagnation Your experiences of energy that causes change or lack of Keys: free will & desire St. Paul’s 2 options—life ignoring or according to the H.S. Paths to “happiness”—spirit or flesh Fruits of each—esp. Fruits of the Spirit (L,J,P,P,K,G,F,G,S) Personal examples The Holy Spirit as Teacher not just dove (G.M. Hopkins) Knowledge/truth Master of Prayer—blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, & praise Bridge to Jesus & God as brother & son in Sacred Tradition
You Tube Videos: The Work of The Holy Spirit The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Life According to the Holy Spirit
A. 9: The Holy Spirit Gifts the Church Holy Spirit as channel of grace Sanctifying, Actual, Sacramental, Gifts (PUCK WFF), Virtue, Fruits (LJP PKG FGS) Charisms Definition—how distinct from graces above? Biblical evidence (1 Cor. 12) Ordinary vs. Extraordinary: which more important? Leadership Magisterium & infallibility; founders, apostles, teachers, prophets, administrators, assistants, secular leaders, etc… Universal call to holiness Cultivation Prayer, study, volunteer, self-reflection Charismatic movement & 4 characteristics
You Tube Videos: The Work of The Holy Spirit Charisms The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Homework Section 1, Part 2 review questions #’s 1-12 Study for the Section 1, Parts 1-2 Quiz (AA. 1-9) on Wednesday Make sure Section 1, Part 2 Homework is ready to turn in Tuesday