Lecture: Cell Division Pages 123-124 03/01/2013 Learning Target: I will be able to identify and explain the stages of the Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Know: Are the cells in a human baby the same as a human adult? Explain your answer.
Cell Division Review ?s Information Cell Cycle The regular sequence of growth and division of cells
Cell Division Review ?s Information 3 Stages of Cell Cycle Stage 1: Interphase--cell grows to mature size, copies DNA, prepares to divide into 2 cells A. Growth: cell doubles/produces all parts. B. DNA Replicated (copied)– each cell must have a complete set of DNA to survive.
Cell Division Review ?s Information DNA Holds all the info a cell needs in order to do its job. C. Prepares to divide– cell produces parts needed to divide Stage 2: Mitosis– Nucleus divides into 2 parts– each part gets DNA
Cell Division Review ?s Information 4 Phases of Mitosis (P-MAT) 1. Prophase: Chromatin condenses to make chromosomes 2. Metaphase: Chromosomes line up 3. Anaphase: Centromeres split 4. Telophase: New nuclear membrane forms around each chromosome Prophase Metaphase Telophase Anaphase
Cell Division Review ?s Information Stage 3: Cytokineses: cell pinches into 2 identical daughter cells The length of each stage varies depending on type of cell and species cell belongs to. How long does cell cycle take?
Summary and Evidence Evidence: Draw the Cell Cycle using the diagram on pages 76-77 in your textbook.