Agenda Homework -Ch. 8 Vocab -Ch. 8 6 Concepts 2. Political Geography Lecture, Part 2 3. International Case Studies Assignment and Review Activity
What is a boundary? Boundary: a vertical plane that cuts through the airspace and ground to determine ownership
Problems Boundaries Lack of knowledge of underground resources when boundaries were created 1990 Kuwait vs. Iraq: Rumaylah oil reserves created International conflict (picture 349)
Who Controls Airspace? When boundaries were created there was a lack of knowledge of importance of airspace a. airline traffic b. satellite space?
How are Boundaries Created? Defined - usually legally by someone who is not directly involved (written) Delimitation - mapped Demarcation - marked with posts, walls, fences, etc. (Fellman 430)
Types of Boundaries Geometric boundary: straight line boundary totally unrelated to physical features e.g. United States border with Canada
Types of Boundaries Physical-political/ or natural-political boundaries: boundaries which conform to physical features e.g. United States border with Mexico along the Rio Grande
Types of Boundaries- genetic boundaries A. antecedent boundary: some boundaries were defined and delimited before humans settled e.g. Malaysia B. subsequent boundaries: boundaries which developed according to the cultural landscape e.g. Vietnam/ China
Types of Boundaries Genetic continued C. superimposed boundaries: forcibly drawn boundaries across a culturally unified landscape e.g. Papau New Guinea/ Indonesia d. relict boundary: border that has ceased to function imprints still evident in cultural landscape. N-S Vietnam
IV. Boundary Disputes A. Territorial / Definitional -Whose Land is it? Focus on legal language of the agreement B. Positional / Locational => 1991 1. focus on delimitation and demarcation of the border 2. the interpretation of the definition is the dispute 3. Saudi Arabia vs. Yemen (oil rich border not covered in the treaty)
IV. Boundary Disputes C. Functional / Operational Border Dispute 1. way boundary should function 2. how should each side handle cross-border migration D. Resources / Allocational Border Dispute 1. dispute over boundary due to location of resources 2. water supplies - Colorado River
Various boundary disputes - what type are they? Botswana has built electric fences to stem the thousands of Zimbabweans who flee to find work and escape political persecution. Eritrea and Ethiopia agreed to abide by 2002 Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission's (EEBC) delimitation decision, but despite international intervention, mutual animosities, accusations, and armed posturing have prevented demarcation; Ethiopia refuses to withdraw to the delimited boundary until claimed technical errors made by the EEBC that ignored "human geography" are addressed, including the award of Badme, the focus of the 1998-2000 war. All of the Spratly Islands are claimed by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam; parts of them are claimed by Malaysia and the Philippines; in March 2005, the national oil companies of China, the Philippines, and Vietnam signed a joint accord to conduct marine seismic activities in the Spratly Islands. Functional Territorial and Positional Resource Source:
Mari-time Boundaries UN Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Territorial Waters- 12 nm Contiguous Zone- 24 nm Exclusive Economic Zone- 200 nm High Seas- Beyond EEZ Source: