Workshop Schedule Welcome and Workshop Overview 0800 - 0830 International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Fundamentals 0830 - 0930 Break 0930 - 0945 Acquisition Policy & International Trends 0945 - 1045 Technology Security & Foreign Disclosure (TSFD) , Export Control (EC), & Defense Exportability (DE) (Part I) 1045 - 1115 1115 - 1130 TSFD, EC, & DE (Part II) 1130 - 1230 Working Lunch/Scene Setter Reading 1230 - 1300 Scenario Overview and Ground Rules 1300 - 1305 Development Phase IA&E Scenario Discussion 1305 - 1415 1415 - 1430 Production and Support Phase IA&E Scenario Discussion 1430 - 1540 Summary and Wrap-Up 1540 - 1600
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IA&E Fundamentals
Defense Exportability Activities IOC A C B LRIP Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction. Production & Deployment DRFPRD Materiel Solution Analysis CDD-V CDD ICD Draft Operations & Support Materiel Development Decision FRP Sustainment Disposal FOC Engineering & Manufacturing Development CDR CPD PDR Exportability Assessment Projected sales Technology complexity Exportability Feasibility Studies Conducted with program contractor Included in TMRR contract Funded by program or DEF PE Industry provides 50% Exportable Designs Funded by program, cooperative program or customer, or industry (or combination) May be multiple configurations Exportable Version Production Funded by customer Exportable Version Depot & Spares Activities Require MDA Approval
Comparisons International Cooperative Programs Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Legal Authority AECA Section 27 & 10 U.S.C. 2350a AECA Sections 21 and 22 AECA Section 38 National Defense Authorization Acts DoD Oversight OUSD(AT&L) OUSD (Policy); DSCA OUSD (Policy); DTSA Primary Regulations DoDD 5000.01 & DoDI 5000.02 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR) SAMM Relationship Partner Buyer-seller Provider-receiver Form of Agreement International Agreement Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) State Department export license & commercial contract Pseudo-LOA (not signed by foreign country) Requirement Mutual Foreign customer (Letter of Request – LOR) DoD determined (Memorandum of Request – MOR) Funding Equitably shared DoD Program Management Joint DoD Implementing Agency (IA) DoD IA Contract Privity Partner nations and industry DoD IA and industry Foreign purchaser and U.S. industry Risks Production Cooperation Cooperative production Coproduction Licensed production N/A
Acquisition Policy
Capability Requirement and Acquisition Processes Initial Capabilities Document* Materiel Solution Analysis Phase Draft Capability Development Document Requirements Authority Review of AoA Results Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Phase A Decision Dev. RFP Release Point B Engineering & Manufacturing Development Phase Production Legend = Decision Point = Milestone Decision = Requirements Document = Requirements Authority Reviews C Production & Deployment Phase Operations & Support Phase Disposal * Or equivalent Approved/Validated Requirements Document
JCIDS Documents Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Summarizes the Capability-Based Assessment Justifies requirement for materiel/non-materiel solutions Supports MDD for materiel solutions Guides MSA phase activities Capability Development Document (CDD) Outlines an affordable increment of militarily useful, logistically supportable, technologically mature capability Draft CDD supports Milestone A “risk reduction” decision Matured during TMRR and validated at requirements decision point prior to Milestone B Capability Production Document (CPD) Addresses production elements specific to a single increment of an acquisition program Defines an increment that is ready for a production decision Guides the production and final testing of the system demonstrated during EMD
Defense Acquisition System The Materiel Development Decision precedes entry into any phase of the acquisition management system Entrance and Exit Criteria for each phase Model 1: Hardware Intensive Program IOC A B C Materiel Solution Analysis Engineering & Manufacturing Development Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction. LRIP Sustainment Operations & Support FRP Decision Materiel Development Decision DRFPRD CDD-V ICD Draft CDD CDD CPD Production & Deployment FOC PDR CDR Disposal Now we will use the structure show here to briefly go thru each decision point and phase to point out key activities. Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) DRAFT CDD Capability Development Document (CDD) Capability Production Document (CPD) RELATIONSHIP TO JCIDS PDR: Preliminary Design Review CDR: Critical Design Review CDD-V: CDD Validation LRIP: Low Rate Initial Production FRP: Full Rate Production DRFPRD: Development Request For Proposals Release Decision IOC: Initial Operational Capability FOC: Full Operational Capability
Materiel Solution Analysis PURPOSE: to conduct the analysis and other activities needed to choose the concept for the product that will be acquired Materiel Solution Analysis Materiel Development Decision ICD Draft CDD ENTER: Approved ICD, study guidance for conducting the AoA, and an approved AoA plan. AoA study guidance for MDAPs and AoA plan approval will be provided by CAPE. ACTIVITIES: Establish PM & PMO, conduct AoA, user writes draft CDD, develop initial: Acquisition Strategy Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) Cyber Security Strategy Program Protection Plan (PPP) GUIDED BY: ICD and AoA Plan EXIT: Completed the necessary analysis and activities to support a decision to proceed to the next decision point and desired phase in the acquisition process. Point out requirements to enter and leave (exit) each phase -Note the activities, and importance of JCIDS documents (ICD) to guide each phase. -The enter and exit bullets on these charts are “generic” to all programs. Read about program specific “exit criteria” in the DAG. Materiel Solution Analysis: The purpose of this phase is different from Concept Refinement (CR). The AoA during CR was conducted to “refine” the materiel solutions prioritized in the ICD. The ICD no longer does this, so the AoA is now focused on alternative solutions provided from a number of sources: “a diversified range of large and small businesses”. Revisions to JCIDS: Because portions of the 5000.02, like the MSA phase, take into account upcoming changes to JCIDS, these changes should be pointed out. -The Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA) part of the Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA) has been eliminated. -ICD will no longer contain a prioritized list of potential materiel alternatives. The ICD will define non-materiel options, DOTMLPF and policy changes that may lead to a Joint DCR. If non-materiel approaches are not sufficient to mitigate the war fighting capability gap, and a materiel solution is required, the ICD will make a recommendation on the type of materiel solution preferred: IT system, evolution of existing systems with significant capability improvement, or a transformational approach for “breakout” systems that differ significantly in form, function, operation and capabilities from existing systems and offer significant improvement over current capabilities or transform how the mission is accomplished. -These materiel options will be investigated during the MSA phase during the AoA. Concurrent with the AoA, a draft CDD (see draft CJCSI 3170.01G) will be prepared to guide the TMRR phase activities.
Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction B PURPOSE: to reduce technology, engineering, integration, and life cycle cost risk to the point that a decision to contract for EMD can be made with confidence in successful program execution for development, production, and sustainment Final RFP Regarded by the USD (AT&L) as the most important decision in the program’s lifecycle Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction DRFPRD Final RFP CDD-V Draft CDD CDD PDR ENTER: MDA approved materiel solution and Acquisition Strategy, initial major program documentation and funding in the FYDP ACTIVITIES: Competitive prototyping of critical subsystems, SE trade-off analysis, develop contracting strategy, conduct CDD Validation, conduct Preliminary Design Review (PDR), conduct Development RFP Release Decision, begin source selection for EMD GUIDED BY: Acquisition Strategy and draft CDD/approved CDD EXIT: Demonstration that technology, engineering, integration, manufacturing, sustainment, and cost risks have been adequately mitigated to support a commitment to design for production, Validated capability requirements, full funding in the FYDP, and compliance with affordability goals for production and sustainment
Engineering and Manufacturing Development B C PURPOSE: to develop, build, and test a product to verify that all operational and derived requirements have been met and to support production or deployment decisions Engineering & Manufacturing Development CPD PDR? CDR ENTER: Adequate risk reduction; approved requirements; full funding in FYDP ACTIVITIES: Complete detailed design, system-level CDR, integrated testing, establish product baseline, demonstrate manufacturing processes and supportability GUIDED BY: CDD, Acquisition Strategy, SEP, and TEMP COMPLETION: (1) the design is stable; (2) the system meets validated capability requirements demonstrated by developmental and initial operational testing as required in the TEMP; (3) manufacturing processes have been effectively demonstrated and are under control; (4) industrial production capabilities are reasonably available; and (5) the system has met or exceeds all directed EMD Phase exit criteria and Milestone C entrance criteria
Production and Deployment IOC PURPOSE: to produce and deliver requirements-compliant products to receiving military organizations C LRIP Production & Deployment CPD FRP Decision FOC Full Rate Production ENTER: Acceptable performance in DT & Operational Assessments (OA); mature software; no significant manufacturing risks; approved CPD; acceptable interoperability and operational supportability; demonstration of affordability; fully funded ACTIVITIES: Low Rate Initial Production, IOT&E, LFT&E (if required) and interoperability testing of production-representative articles; Full-Rate Production Decision; fielding and support of fielded systems; IOC/FOC GUIDED BY: CPD, TEMP, SEP, LCSP EXIT: Full operational capability; deployment complete Essentially same as the 2003 DoDI 5000.02. Guided By: DoDI 5000.02 indicates what documents “guide” the phase activities for MSA, TD and EMD; however, it does not state what documents guide Production and Deployment. So, shown here some obvious documents that guide the activities.
Operations and Support PURPOSE: Execute a support program that meets materiel readiness and operational support performance requirements, and sustains the system in the most cost-effective manner over its total life cycle Sustainment Operations & Support Disposal FOC ENTER: Approved CPD; approved LCSP; successful FRP Decision ACTIVITIES: LCSP implementation; Performance-Based Life-Cycle Product Support (PBL) planning, development, implementation, and management; initiate system modifications as necessary; continuing reviews of sustainment strategies, demilitarize and dispose of systems IAW legal and regulatory requirements, particularly environmental considerations and explosives safety GUIDED BY: CPD/Acquisition Strategy/LCSP Performance-Based Life-Cycle Product Support (PBL), has the same meaning as Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) and uses the same acronym. Guided By: DoDI 5000.02 indicates what documents “guide” the phase activities for MSA, TD and EMD; however, it does not state what documents guide Operations and Support. So, shown here are some obvious documents that guide the activities.
TSFD, Export Control, and DEF
USG/DoD TSFD Processes MILDEP Processes DoD Lead: Various MILDEP-specific various MILDEP Process Other DoD Processes Org.-specific various Few documented processes Interagency process LO/CLO AT&L Primary AT SAP SAPCO Specialized DSC AT&L + Policy Intel USD(I) Data Links/WF DoD CIO PNT/GPS COMSEC NSA & DoD CIO GEOINT NGA MTCR Policy NDP EW None No single process NVD/INS DTSA
TSFD “Macro-Process” OSD High Level Decisions (~200/yr) Specialized Routine Decisions (~500/yr) DoD Component Routine Decisions (~85,000/yr)
Developing Exportable Configurations At the Development RFP Release Decision and Milestone B, the MDA should determine if one or more exportable configurations should be developed Informed by feasibility studies; requirements included in RFP Funding sources must be identified Most Programs Employ a Combination of Funding Sources ICP funding (various alternatives) Industry (various alternatives) FMS or DCS customer nation funding DSCA Special Defense Acquisition Fund (SDAF) Title 10 funding (specific authorization & appropriation)
IA&E Scenarios Overview and Ground Rules
Workshop Overview and Ground Rules Firebird EW Variant (FB EWV) Program Scene Setter Two Separate FB EWV Acquisition Phase IA&E Scenarios: Development Production and Support Four (4) Topic Areas per Scenario Each Table will be assigned a Topic Area for each Scenario: Use preparation time (20 min) to pick two of three questions to answer using available unclassified resources Use wall-sized ‘Post It’ paper to document your Table’s ‘results’ DAU Professors will: Choose four tables to answer Topic Area questions concerning key concepts and issues for each Scenario Facilitate Table and Large Group discussions (~10 min/Table) Manage time available to give everyone a chance to contribute