Intro. To Their Eyes Were Watching God Ms. Foley 2014
The Author: Zora Neale Hurston Born January 7th, 1891 Died January 28th, 1960 Folklorist, anthropologist, and author Father was a Baptist preacher Mother was a schoolteacher Raised in Eatonville, FL (one of the first all-black towns in the U.S.) Sent to boarding school after her mother’s death in 1904
The Author: Zora Neale Hurst Started her degree at Howard University Left to go to Barnard College, Columbia University (where she was the only black student) Graduated with a degree in anthropology in 1928 First marriage in 1927 to Herbert Sheen (jazz musician/doctor) – lasted 4 years Second marriage in 1939 to Albert price (25 years her junior) – lasted 7 months Traveled extensively through the Caribbean and American South to collect stories, myths, and superstitions of the descendants of the slaves.
The Author: Zora Neale Hurston Part of the “Harlem Renaissance” movement Frequent collaborator with Langston Hughes in this time. Her work was very unpopular for a long time. Some of the major criticisms were: Her use of dialect Her lack of politics in her writing Brought back to the spotlight in 1975 by Alice Walker
The Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God Published in 1937 Set in Central and South Florida during the early 1900’s Follows main character Janie Crawford from girlhood to adulthood (and through three “marriages”)
The Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes: Identity (specifically female identity) Relationships between the sexes Independence What does it means to be successful/fulfilled? Communication: Speech vs. Silence
Their Eyes Were Watching God Journal How does who we choose as our significant other reflect who we are? Do the relationships we have with others change us? In a famous song we are told that “love is all we need.” It this true? Why or why not?