HAZARD & OPERABILITY STUDY WORKSHOP ON HAZARD & OPERABILITY STUDY NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Date : 16th & 17th December, 2016 Place : Le- Royal Meridian, Chennai
Mr. S.Selvaganapathy, President of SEA (I) Mr.M.Namasivayam, EC Member delivering the welcome address . (from L to R) Mr.S.M.Ravi, Secretary, Mr.P.Bose, Ex-Director of Industrial Safety & Health , Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Mr.W.A.Balakumaran, Patron & Mr. S.Selvaganapathy, President of SEA (I)
Mr.W.A.Balakumaran, SEA(I) Patron briefing the objective of this workshop to all participants
Speech by the Chief Guest, Mr.P.Bose, Ex-Director of Industrial Safety & Health Dept., TN Govt.
Mr.R.Parameswaran, EC member welcoming the Chief Guest Mr. P. Bose with a flower Bouquet
Mr.S.M.Ravi, Secretary delivering the Vote of thanks
Mr.W.A.Balakumaran, Lead Faculty conducting HAZOP Workshop
Participants from different organization who attended the Two Days Workshop
Participants sharing their learnings at the end of the session.
All the participants received participation certificate from SEA(I) Dignitaries