RR-TAG (802.18) to 802.11 Liaison Report April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 March 2013 RR-TAG (802.18) to 802.11 Liaison Report Date: 2013-03-22 Authors: Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 March 2013 Abstract This presentation is the liaison report from the RR-TAG for the March 2013 IEEE 802.11 Plenary in Orlando. Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
FCC Documents Reviewed and Approved by the RR-TAG March 2013 FCC Documents Reviewed and Approved by the RR-TAG There were no documents approved for submission to the FCC at this meeting. The RR-TAG expects to finalize and approve comments to the FCC 5 GHz U-NII Band Rules Revision NRPM at a teleconference meeting to be held on on Friday April 19th, at 1:00 PM ET. Link to NPRM: 18-13/016r0 John Notor, Notor Research
March 2013 ITU-R Documents from 802.16 and 802.11 REG SC Reviewed and Approved by the RR-TAG The RR-TAG approved the following documents from 802.16 for EC review and submission to ITU-R WP 5D: 18-13/034r1, Proposed LS to ITU-R WP 5D: Update toward Rec. ITU-R M.1457-12 (Meeting X Notification) Link: 18-13/034r1 18-13/035r1, Proposed Cont. to ITU-R WP 5D- Update of WirelessMAN- Advanced RIT of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (Meeting Y+2) Link: 18-13/035r2 The RR-TAG approved the following document from the 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee for EC review and submission as an IEEE 802 document to ITU-R WP 5A: 18-13/038r3, IEEE 802 Input to WP5A on 5 GHz Link: 18-13/038r3 John Notor, Notor Research
Other Documents Reviewed and Approved by the RR-TAG March 2013 Other Documents Reviewed and Approved by the RR-TAG The RR-TAG approved the following document from 802.16 for EC review and submission to IETF, copy to the FCC: 18-13/036r0, Proposed Statement to IETF LMAP on IEEE P802.16.3 Activity Link: 18-13/036r0 The RR-TAG approved the following document from 802.16 for EC review and submission to the Broadband Forum, copy to the FCC: 18-13/037r1 Proposed statement to BBF: Response to liaison of 8 March on Performance Measurements Architecture Link: 18-13/037r1 John Notor, Notor Research
EU RSPG Consultation on the 5 GHz Band March 2013 EU RSPG Consultation on the 5 GHz Band Information arrived too late for discussion and approval by 802.11 WG this week Request the 802.11WG chair authorize the 802.11 Regulatory SC to develop a response, based on document 11-13/353r2, the framework document approved this week in the FCC proceeding, to be reviewed and approved by the RR-TAG on a teleconference to be held on April 11th, to be forwarded to the EC for approval and submittal to the regulatory authority Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry