BIOTALENT Kick-Off meeting– 20 & 21 September 2016 – Budapest, Hungary Introducing the BIOTALENT website and logo Kevin Keyaert – Communications Assistant BIOTALENT Kick-Off meeting– 20 & 21 September 2016 – Budapest, Hungary
BIOTALENT BIOTALENT Website as a Scratchpad: “online virtual research environment for biodiversity, allowing anyone to share their data and create their own research networks. Sites are hosted at the Natural History Museum London” “Support various ways of communicating with site members and visitors such as blogs, forums, newsletters and a commenting system.”
Main Menu
Objectives AUTHOR NAME
Activity Poles AUTHOR NAME
Project Partnership AUTHOR NAME
Private Group Pages Exchange of files and discussing project topics among the partners “under construction”
Various logo options
Questions and Discussion Remarks on the BIOTALENT website Remarks on the BIOTALENT logo